Public Areas - Reshut haRabim
Defining Public Areas
In order to be a "public area," an area must match certain criteria which come from the Jews' Desert Encampment: Eruvin 22b
Levite Camp
was considered a "Public Area" in the Desert: Shabbat 96b
Dimensions of a path, for it to be Public Property: Shabbat 99a
Source of the
dimensions of Public Property as defined in the Tabernacle
: Shabbat 99a
Status of an area at the edge of public property [Tzidei Reshut haRabim צידי רשות הרבים]: Eruvin 94a; Ketuvot 31b
Status of a public area where travel is difficult: Shabbat 100b; Eruvin 22a-b, 94a
Status of a public area where use of the area is difficult: Shabbat 100b
Biblical Status of an
which is not fully enclosed - is it semi-private or public: Eruvin 12b
Status of an area within public property if some people step over the area, rather than walk through it: Shabbat 100b
An Area is considered Independent if it meets the same criteria required by
Reception of a Get
: Shabbat 80a
Does anywhere in
have the status of a public area: Eruvin 22a-b
An area which rises steeply above its surrounding areas [Tel haMitlaket]: Shabbat 100a; Eruvin 22b
Status of a post which is as much as nine handbreadths high, and is placed in a public area, and on which people rest their burdens: Eruvin 33a, 89a
Status of a city which had been a private area, and which suddenly gained a large population: Eruvin 46b-47a, 59a-b
Enclosed Public Areas
Possibility, or lack thereof, of connecting two houses across a public area: Shabbat 117a; Eruvin 6a-b, 12b, 22a, 59b, 95a
Merging the properties of individuals who are in a public city, in which there is a public path: Eruvin 59a-b
Considering a public area which is walled in, with doors that are closed at its gates, a
: Eruvin 6b, 22a, 101a
Considering a public area "covered" if it has a cover with
gaps of three hand-breadths or less
: Shabbat 98a
What if the public passes through an area which has walls [Atu Rabim UMivatli Mechitzta]: Eruvin 20a, 22a-b
Status of an enclosed yard which is also a major thoroughfare: Eruvin 8a, 22b
Status of an alley or path which leads from a public area to a water-holding pit: Eruvin 22b
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