Fast Days for Rain
Praying for rain in the amidah
The Divine gift of rain
The Science of Precipitation
In General
Holding those fasts in
: Pesachim 54b (See Rashi "Ayn")
How long do we wait during a drought before we begin to hold fasts: Taanit 6a-b
Defining the type of drought that warrants fasting: Taanit 6b
Having an intermediary daven on behalf of the community: Taanit 8a
The First Set of Fasts
Doing work: Pesachim 54b
Eating during Sunset: Pesachim 54b
The Second Set of Fasts
Doing work: Pesachim 54b, Moed Katan 15b
One who does work after the Fast will never see benefit: Pesachim 50b
Eating during Sunset: Pesachim 54b
Bathing: Moed Katan 15b
Placing a finger in water: Pesachim 54b
Wearing [leather] shoes: Moed Katan 15b
After the Second Set
Minimizing business, planting and
kiddushin/wedding celebrations
: Megillah 5b
If Rain Falls During the Fast
Hallel-Prayer of Praise
before/after breaking the fast: Taanit 25b-26a
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