Mixing this blood with blood of the bull of the Head Kohen before putting it on the corners of the altar: Yoma 57b-58a; Zevachim 42b; Temurah 5b
Circumnavigating the altar in the sprinkling of the blood: Yoma 58b-59a
Sprinkling of its blood between the badim in the kodesh kodashim, and on the parochet: Zevachim 47a
Requirement of performing all of the sprinklings of the blood: Zevachim 47a
Pouring out the remainder of the blood on the base of the mizbeiach: Zevachim 47a
Bringing the limbs of the goat on the altar, and burning the remains: Yoma 67b-68a
Burning the remains in the beit hadeshen outside the three camps of the Temple: Yoma 68a
Burning its remains on Yom Kippur: Menachot 46b
Place where the ashes are deposited: Yoma 68b
For what does this korban atone: Keritot 25b
Cases requiring a replacement: Yoma 63b
If one of the goats was under-age: Yoma 63b
Applying the principle of dichuy if the scapegoat or Sa'ir LaShem dies before it can be used: Yoma 62a, 63b, 65a; Zevachim 34b; Temurah 22a, 23a; Keritot 28a
If one goat was slaughtered before the lottery designating the offering and the scapegoat: Yoma 62b
If one goat was slaughtered outside the Temple: Yoma 62b
If blood was mixed with that of the Bull of the Kohanim before the sprinkling of the blood: Yoma 57a
If the cup of blood was mixed up with that of the bull of the Kohanim before the sprinkling of the blood: Yoma 57b
Use of the lottery-designated goat in the following year: Yoma 65b
If the blood of the non-scapegoat was lost before being brought to the altar: Temurah 22b
In cases requiring sanctification of a second set of goats, we use the usable animals from the first set, first: Yoma 62a, 64a
Applying the principle of dichuy regarding the scapegoat if the blood of the Sa'ir LaShem was spilled before being brought to the altar: Yoma 64b; Zevachim 34b