Musaf of Shavuot - Special additional goat offerings of Shavuot
The korbanot
Making up the offerings for six days afterwards, if one missed the first day: Rosh HaShanah 4b-5a; Moed Katan 24b
Whether the rams of the
Offering of the Loaves
and the ram of the additional offering invalidate each other, if one isn't brought: Menachot 44b-45a
Bringing the bull, without its
: Menachot 44b, 45a-b
Whether each of the animals of the additional offerings is integral to the validity of the entire Offering: Menachot 44b-45a
Whether the absence of the
offerings of the loaves
invalidates the additonal Offerings, or the reverse: Menachot 45b [2x]
The chatat goats
The money for the goat offerings comes from the
Temple's chest
: Temurah 15b
Both of these goats
for impurity communicated to the Beit haMikdash and its offerings: Zevachim 6b
Beit din's condition [lev beit din matneh aleihem]
regarding how the
of these goats operates: Zevachim 6b
It was
in the northern part of the azarah, and its blood was
in the northern part of the azarah: Zevachim 52b
How the blood was
on the four corners of the external mizbeiach: Zevachim 52b-53a
Pouring out the remainder of the blood on the southern base of the external mizbeiach: Zevachim 53a
Its meat was consumed by male kohanim inside the Beit haMikdash: Zevachim 53a
How long its meat could be consumed: Zevachim 53a
What happens if one doesn't perform all of the
sprinklings of the blood
the parochet
: Zevachim 39a-41b
What happens if one doesn't perform all of the
sprinklings of the blood
on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 39a-41b
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