Helping Un-/Load Others' Animals

The responsibility is to do it as many times as is necessary: Bava Metzia 31a, 32a

One is responsible to help with any load which he would [un-]load for himself: Bava Metzia 30b

The Prohibition against Paining animals might be the cause for the commandment to help with loading an Animal: Bava Metzia 31a, 32a

Payment for loading/unloading: Bava Metzia 31a, 32a-b, 33a

Where the owner tells him to do it on his own: Bava Metzia 32a, 32b

Above case, if the owner is old or sick: Bava Metzia 32a

Loading an animal with a burden greater than it can bear: Bava Metzia 32a, 32b, 33a

Where the animal naturally buckles, and is not merely having trouble: Bava Metzia 33a

Where the animal isn't buckling: Bava Metzia 33a

Aiding in loading, when the load hasn't fallen off, but rather was never on it: Bava Metzia 33a

How far one must travel to help, to load it and to assist on its way: Bava Metzia 33a

The need for a Biblical instruction of loading and unloading, And of returning a lost object: Bava Metzia 31a-b

Whether loading is also a Biblical command or not: Bava Metzia 32a-b, 33a

Loading/Unloading where the Load/Animal is owned by a Nochri: Bava Metzia 32b

Loading a forbidden item on to a Nochri's animal: Bava Metzia 32b

Loading a person's animal even if one technically is exempt, to prevent strife: Bava Metzia 32b

Choosing between aiding a friend or an enemy: Bava Metzia 32b

Choosing between loading the animal of a Rebbe and that of one's Parents: Bava Metzia 33a

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