If Adam and Eve were back to back, who walked in front: Eruvin 18b
Gd set up Adam and Eve for the purpose of perpetuating life, not for the purpose of causing pain: Ketuvot 61a
Adam as one of the 7 "Shepherds" - King David, flanked on the right by Adam, Shet and Methuselah, and on the left by Avraham, Yaakov and Moshe: Succah 52b
During Adam's one hundred and thirty years of ex-communication he wore belts of fig leaves on his skin [apparently as a means of making himself suffer]: Eruvin 18b
Where Adam was buried: Eruvin 53a
Where she was buried: Eruvin 53a
The Serpent
Viewing the serpent in the Garden of Eden as an actual serpent: Bechorot 8a-b
Intercourse of the Serpent, affecting future generations: Shabbat 145b-146a
How the effect of the Serpent was eradicated: Shabbat 146a
The Serpent's motivation was to get Eve for himself, and as a result of his acts he didn't get her, and he lost his monarchy over the animals, the ability to walk upright, the ability to eat what humans eat, and the friendship of humanity: Sotah 9b
Viewing the curse of the serpent as a curse regarding gestation periods: Bechorot 8a-b
The Sin
The curses Gd Administered: Eruvin 100b; Yoma 75a; Pesachim 118a
Adam's request, and Gd's response, after the Curses: Pesachim 118a
Exemption of righteous women from the curses of Eve: Sotah 12a
Whether the clothes Gd gave them, "Katnot Or," were made of hides, or were clothes which benefited the skin: Sotah 14a