Daily Flour-Offering of the Head Kohen - Chavitin of the Kohen Gadol

Brought [twice] daily: Menachot 50b, 51a

Whether this is brought even on Shabbat: Yoma 50a; Menachot 51a; Temurah 14a

Bringing it even if the Head Kohen is Impure: Menachot 50b, 51a

How much flour was used, and how it was processed: Menachot 50b

Not bringing half of a unit of flour, but rather the entire unit and then halving it: Menachot 50b, 51b

The flour must be baked in a vessel: Menachot 51a

How much oil is added: Menachot 51a

Use of frankincense: Menachot 51a

The amount of frankincense: Menachot 52a

The process of cooking it: Menachot 50b

Prepared inside the Temple: Menachot 50b

Whether it is burnt on the altar, and prohibited in consumption: Menachot 51b

Prepared and Brought even on Shabbat: Menachot 50b-51a

If it is baked a day beforehand, it is invalid as leftovers: Menachot 51a

What is done for the afternoon offering, if the Head Kohen dies after the morning offering and a new one is appointed: Menachot 50b [2x]

What is done for the afternoon offering, if the Head Kohen dies and a new one has not been appointed: Menachot 51b, 52a

For the Above Two Cases, how the frankincense and oil are arranged: Menachot 52a-b

What is done for the afternoon offering, if the flour becomes impure: Menachot 50b

What is done for the afternoon offering, if the flour is lost: Menachot 50b

Whether a past kohen gadol can bring this: Megillah 9b

Bringing part of it outside the Beit haMikdash: Zevachim 42a

Is pigul intent while bringing the chavitin significant, given that they are not rendered permissible for use by service involving some other [matir] item: Zevachim 42b-43b, 44a

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