Respecting One's Elders
Honoring One's Parents
Honoring a Torah Scholar
Respectful Behavior
Not stepping before one who is greater: Megillah 28a
Standing up for an elder who is not learned: Kiddushin 32b-33a, 33a
Standing up before a non-Jewish elder: Kiddushin 33a
Standing up while the elder is still at a distance: Kiddushin 32b, 33a
Standing up in a bathroom or bathhouse: Kiddushin 32b, 33a
Whether one must spend money for this show of respect: Kiddushin 32b, 33a
Pretending that one doesn't see the elder: Kiddushin 32b, 33a
The responsibility of an elder to keep from
burdening others
by walking by them when it isn't necessary: Kiddushin 32b, 33a, 33b
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