Euphemistic Speech - Lashon Sagi Nahor, Lishna M'alya
Clean Speech
Referring to blindness
Meor Eynayim - [Has the] Light of Eyes: Chagigah 5b
Referring to personal loss
"veAlah Min haAretz [They will be forced to leave the land]": Sotah 11a
"Sonei Yisrael [Enemies of the Jews]": Berachot 4b, 7a; Eruvin 45a; Succah 29a [2x], 52a, 52b; Megillah 12a, 12b; Taanit 7b
"Soneihem shel Talmidei Chachamim": Taanit 7a
"Shelo Tavo [It Shouldn't Happen]" in place of "SheTavo [That will happen]" where discussing a potentially negative occurence: Pesachim 117a
Referring to sinful actions
"Alav [against him]" instead of "Al Hashem [against Gd]": Eruvin 53a; Pesachim 94b
"Kelapei Matah [Downward]" instead of "Maalah [Upward]": Succah 53b
"Sono shel Hashem [Gd's Enemy]" instead of Hashem: Megillah 11a
"Acher" instead of "Rasha": Bava Metzia 60b
"Mesimin Moshe Rabbeinu Chacham v'Torato Emet" instead of the opposite: Bava Metzia 75b
Referring to
Someone "fell" from a height: Berachot 23a; Megillah 16a
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