A Woman who was Captured - a shevuyah
General issues of a shevuyah
Credibility regarding what happened during captiity
Credibility to claim there were no sexual relations: Ketuvot 22a, 23a, 23b
We are more lenient, because it is only a possibility that it happened: Ketuvot 23a, 27b
Validity of testimony which would ordinarily be Invalid: Ketuvot 27a-b, 27b
Believing her on her own statement that she was/wasn't slept with, with Witness[es] that she was Captured: Ketuvot 23b
Believing her co-captive to say that she was/wasn't slept with, with Witness[es] to say she was Captured: Ketuvot 23b
[Not] Believing her husband: Ketuvot 27b
If she says she has Witnesses that she wasn't slept with: Ketuvot 23a
Above case, if the Witnesses come afterwards and don't have testimony: Ketuvot 23a
Above case, if Witnesses come that she Was slept with: Ketuvot 23a
Not worrying about rumored Witnesses against her word: Ketuvot 23a; Kiddushin 12b
Captives of the Government
Assumed status, where she is taken for ransom: Ketuvot 26b-27a
Assumed status, where she is taken for execution: Ketuvot 26b-27a
Where the Nochrim are in control over the Jews: Ketuvot 26b-27a
A Besieged Town
Where the town is taken by a siege: Ketuvot 27a
Where there are witnesses that she wasn't slept with: Ketuvot 27a
Where she insists that she wasn't slept with: Ketuvot 27a
Where there was a hiding-place in the city: Ketuvot 27a
Where she says she didn't hide, nor was she slept with: Ketuvot 27a-b
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