Acquisition of Futures - davar shelo ba l'olam דבר שלא בא לעולם
General Rules
Differentiating between cases where the item is going to be created naturally, as opposed to where its future is not guaranteed: Gittin 13b
Differentiating between cases where the future depends on an event which is within one's control, and which is not within one's control: Ketuvot 59a-b
If one agreed to purchase an item that does not yet exist, only to find out the sale is invalid, do we say that any forgiveness of rights was done in error and is now reversed: Bava Metzia 66b
Financial Transactions
Future inheritance: Bava Metzia 16a-b
Future acquisitions: Bava Metzia 16a-b
Future acquisition, but the sale is effective retroactive to "now": Bava Metzia 16b
Differentiating in the line Above, between "a field" and "this field": Bava Metzia 16b
Fruit which will be borne by a tree which exists now: Bava Metzia 33b, 66b
An Object's owner sells rights to the fine due from the thief of his object to its guardian, if the guardian pays for the object before the thief is found: Bava Metzia 33b-34a
If a creditor tells the borrower to deliver the debt to one who wasn't born at the time of the loan: Gittin 13b