Acquisition of an Item by Lifting it
The act of acquisition
Equating holding an item in one's hand with lifting it: Ketuvot 31b [per Rashi]
In Sales
For a large animal: Kiddushin 25b; Bava Kama 11b
For an elephant [and how to do it]: Kiddushin 25b-26a
For a slight animal: Kiddushin 25b
In finding a lost object
Whether an Acquisition must be done by lifting the object fully: Bava Metzia 9a
If one lifts half and Then the other lifts the other half [while he holds the first half]: Bava Metzia 9a
Who owns a previously ownerlesss item, if one picks it up for another: Bava Metzia 8a, 9a, 10a [2x]
Above, differentiating between intent to claim it for himself or for another: Bava Metzia 9a
If two claimants picked it up at the same time: Bava Metzia 2b, 3a, 8a
If a
Deaf and Mute Person
picks up the object together with a non-Deaf-and-Mute-Person: Bava Metzia 8a
2 Deaf and Mute People
who pick up the object together: Bava Metzia 8a
Ramifications in Other Areas
When one is
merging properties around an alley
for the sake of permitting transportation between them on Shabbat, having the person who claims the merging meal on behalf of the residents raise the meal one handbreadth into the air: Eruvin 79b-80a
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