Responsibility for damage caused by one's Property
For whose property am I liable?
Any item which for which one is financially liable is considered his: Pesachim 5b-6a, 29b
One pays for any damage to owned property, not to un-owned items: Bava Kama 9b
One doesn't pay for damage done on his own land, to another's property [which he didn't bring there]: Bava Kama 9b
Extent of liability for damage one causes
Responsibility exists for all property under one's ownership: Bava Kama 2a, 9b
for someone who maintains a dangerous item in his house: Ketuvot 41b; Bava Kama 15b
If one's oroperty damages, it is as though he had personally prepared the Damage: Bava Kama 9b (See Rashi)
If one prepared the possibility for part of the eventual damage, he must pay for the entire damage: Bava Kama 9b, 10a-b
An ordinary ox is [not] considered to be dangerous: Bava Kama 15a
List of Wild Animals which are considered to be naturally dangerous: Bava Kama 15b, 16a-b
Wild animals which have been domesticated: Bava Kama 15b
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