General Details
A bird's digestion is immediate: Shabbat 155b
The Mating Season: Rosh HaShanah 11a
Were birds created from the heavens or from the earth: Eruvin 28a
How far a fledgling bird will fly: Beitzah 11a
Will a fledgling bird travel beyond its ability to see the home nest: Beitzah 11a
Egg Sizes: Yoma 80a
After 3 days of bring sat upon, an egg has so altered that if one removes the sitter then the egg will be un-usable: Pesachim 55b
Whether an egg found inside a slaughtered mother will be able to produce live young: Beitzah 6b
Creatures that lay eggs do not nurse their young: Bechorot 7b
Does an atalef עטלף [often translated as "bat"] lay eggs and nurse their young?: Bechorot 7b
Miscellaneous Birds
A Wild Bird, "Tzippor Dror," which is harder to trap than others: Shabbat 106b
Whether the birds of Bavel were fatter than those of Israel, or not: Shabbat 145b
Therapeutic use of the spleen of a Dayah bird: Ketuvot 50a
Chickens and Roosters
Chickens have a lower-eyelid which extends over the upper-lid, to prevent smoke from entering: Shabbat 77b
De Facto
of a rooster can be achieved by removing its comb: Shabbat 110b
Chickens will not walk if led by their wings: Shabbat 128b
A Rooster's "Comprehension": Rosh HaShanah 26a
It's unusual to slaughter a chicken and find a whole egg inside it: Beitzah 2b
Whether it is unusual for a chicken to partially lay an egg, then have the egg return inside for a significant period of time: Beitzah 7a-b
Mating time-of-day and egg-laying times of chickens: Beitzah 7a-b; Bechorot 8a
Will a chicken produce an unfertilized egg if a rooster is nearby: Beitzah 7a-b
The way in which roosters approach chickens for sexual relations: Eruvin 100b
The gestation period of chickens: Bechorot 8a
Testing whether a rooster grows plump,
to see
whether an investment will succeed: Keritot 5b
Cranes frighten Eagles: Shabbat 77b
Doves eat mustard seed: Shabbat 128a
Learning monogamy from doves: Eruvin 100b
Eagles are frightened by Cranes: Shabbat 77b
Geese will walk if led by their wings: Shabbat 128b
A goose walks with its head down, but its eyes still see far away: Megillah 14b
Viewing "geese" and "wild geese" as distinct species, for the laws of
interbreeding species
: Bechorot 8a
Eat shards of glass: Shabbat 128a
Ravens look out for each other: Pesachim 113b
Do white and black ravens look out for their young?: Ketuvot 49b
Ravens eat turnip: Shabbat 126b
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