Mental Focus in Reciting Shema
Posture while Reading
Concentration and Focus
The centrality of focus in Shema: Megillah 25a
Closing/Covering the Eyes during the first Verse: Berachot 13b
Motion of the eyes during the first Verse: Mesoret HaShas Berachot 13b
Source for requiring Mental Focus: Berachot 13b
How much of Shema requires Mental Focus: Berachot 13b, 16a
Mental Focus involved in the first Verse, specifically in the word "Echad": Berachot 13b
Reciting Shema while Reading/Editing a Torah Scroll: Berachot 13a; Rosh HaShanah 28b
Dozing during the First Verse, and during the Rest: Berachot 13b
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