Rabbi Abba

What Rabbi Abba used to do to vent anger: Shabbat 105b

Rabbi Abba used to buy meat from 13 different butchers on Friday to find good meat for Shabbat, and he would bring the money to their houses and urge them to bring the meat quickly: Shabbat 119a

Rabbi Abba ate chicken as a medicine after soaking it in hot water, post-cooking, for several days: Shabbat 145b

Rabbi Abba put his Phylacteries down, and a bird [ostrich?] came along and began eating them: Moed Katan 26a

Rav Safra tried his chicken medication and needed aged wine to cure himself afterwards: Shabbat 145b

Rav Yosef found his chicken medication so disgusting that its memory made him want to spit: Shabbat 145b

Answered Rabbi Yirmiyah's request for an explanation of an argument, "When you find [the answer].": Shabbat 143b

Ulla responded to a statement of his, "This man is [speaking] as though he had never learned!": Bava Metzia 11b

Reporting an anecdote of Rav Huna's life: Nedarim 7b

Set of citations of others: Succah 13b

Asking a question and answering it himself: Nedarim 43a-b

Rabbi Abba said Beiha got his sharpness of mind from being in Israel, but Rav Yitzchak responded that Beiha had been wise from being in Bavel and in Israel: Temurah 29a

Rabbi Abba avoiding Rav Yehudah before moving to Israel, because he knew Rav Yehudah opposed the move: Berachot 24b

Rabbi Abba reacting to the last lesson he learned from Rav Yehudah before moving; it was a lesson about prayer and bathroom function: Berachot 24b

Rabbi Abba avoiding embarrassing the needy by carrying coins in a bag over his shoulder, allowing the needy to take without embarrasment but looking out to prevent non-needy people from taking: Ketuvot 67b

Rabbi Abba challenging a halachic statement simply by citing a relevant verse from the book of Mishlei: Ketuvot 77a

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