Study Hall
Learning in a Study Hall
The term "Great House" [Kings II 25] refers to a Torah Study Hall: Megillah 27a
Importance of arriving first: Succah 28a [2x]
long life
for arriving first: Megillah 27b
Importance of leaving last: Succah 28a [2x]
The larger the group, the greater the reward: Berachot 6a
Manifestation of Hashem's Presence: Berachot 6a
Manifestation of Hashem in the "4 Cubits of Law": Berachot 8a
Praying in a Study Hall: Berachot 8a
Not sleeping in a Study Hall: Succah 28a [2x]; Megillah 28a
Reish Lakish
lying on his belly while learning Torah: Zevachim 5a
Where one may not learn Torah
Thinking about Torah in a bathhouse or
: Berachot 24b; Shabbat 150a; Kiddushin 33a
Thinking about Torah in a dirty alley: Berachot 24b; Megillah 28a
Thinking about Torah near a sleeping person, who might pass gas: Berachot 25a
Other Laws
Laws of
tzaraat on a place of Torah Study
: Megillah 26a
Changing a
into a Study Hall of Torah, or the reverse: Megillah 26b-27a
Entering a study hall when one is impure from
emitting seed
: Berachot 22a
Beyond the Laws
Terming a Study Hall a "vineyard": Eruvin 21b
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