Adding to [the beginning of] Yom Kippur
Adding Time to Shabbat
Adding time to Yom Kippur
Source for the Addition of Time: Shabbat 148b, Rosh HaShanah 9a
Whether we allow people to
ignorantly break this rule, rather than have them do so knowingly
: Shabbat 148b
Source for Beginning Oppression early: Yoma 81b
Source for Beginning the Prohibition against Work early: Rosh HaShanah 9a, Yoma 81b
Divine ex-communication
for Violation of Beginning Oppression early: Yoma 81a
Divine ex-communication for Violation of Beginning the Prohibition against Work early: Yoma 81a
Source for adding time at the end: Rosh HaShanah 9a
Whether women are required in the additional time of "oppression": Succah 28b
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