Which blessings to make: Rosh HaShanah 26b, 27a, 29a, 30a
Coordinating the Shofar with the "Musaf" Service: Rosh HaShanah 32a, 34b
How to Blow the Shofar if one already prayed the "Musaf" service: Rosh HaShanah 33b
Above, if one had a Shofar while praying the "Musaf" service: Rosh HaShanah 34b
Whether lack of the blessings prevents fulfilling the Mitzvah of Shofar, and vice versa: Rosh HaShanah 34b
The Blowing of the Shofar confusing Satan: Rosh HaShanah 16a-b
Use of the Shofar and trumpets: Rosh HaShanah 26b, 27a
Distinction between the Shofar-Blowing, and use of Trumpets, in the Temple and in other areas: Rosh HaShanah 27a
Blowing the Shofar on Shabbos, in the Temple, before established Courts, and elsewhere, pre/post the Destruction of the Temple: Rosh HaShanah 29b, 29b-30a
The above, for temporary courts: Rosh HaShanah 29b
Choosing between hearing the "Musaf" service [where he can't pray it on his own] or the Blowing of the Shofar: Rosh HaShanah 34b
The Blower's Aide
Ordinarily, this job belongs to the reader of the "Musaf" Service: Rosh HaShanah 32b
The Order of Blasts
Blowing in the sitting AND standing sections of the Service: Rosh HaShanah 16a-b
The Shofar Blasts
The number and length of the blasts: Rosh HaShanah 33b
The length of a "Tekiah" blast: Rosh HaShanah 27b
What a "Teruah" blast is: Rosh HaShanah 33b, 34a
Having a straight ["Tekiah"] blast before and after the "Teruah": Rosh HaShanah 33b-34a
Source for having 3 sets of 3 blasts: Rosh HaShanah 34a
Source for having Tekiah-Shevarim-Teruah-Tekiah: Rosh HaShanah 34a
Any sound which is emitted by an acceptable Shofar is acceptable, even if it doesn't sound like a traditional Shofar blast: Rosh HaShanah 27b