The "Aravah [Willow Branch]" of the Temple
The Procedure
The source for this Mitzvah: Succah 34a, 44a
Whether this practice, nowadays, extends from the institution memorializing the Temple, or not: Succah 44a
This Mitzvah as a
Law Spoken to Moshe at Sinai
: Succah 34a, 44a
This Mitzvah, as an
institution or custom of the Prophets
: Succah 44a
How it was done: Succah 45a
How this Mitzvah was carried out on Shabbat: Succah 43b-44a, 45a
The "Hoshanot"
Temple Prayer
: Succah 45a
Temple Prayer
after concluding the "Hoshanos" service: Succah 45b
Whether the Kohanim involved with the Mitzvah included those with physical blemishes, or not: Succah 44a
How many Aravot were used, and why: Succah 45b
The height of the Aravot of the Temple: Succah 45a
How the Aravot were placed against the
: Succah 45a
Circling the Altar with the Aravah, in the Temple: Succah 43b, 45a
The attempt of the
to thwart the "banging" of the Aravah on Shabbat in the Temple: Succah 43b
On the 7th Day
The minimum size: Succah 44b
The number of stems and leaves to have: Succah 44b
Whether it was bound with other species: Succah 44b
Whether one could use the Aravah which had been bound with the other species: Succah 44b
Procedure: Succah 45a
On Shabbat: Succah 45a
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