The owner of a korban must be present/represented at the bringing of the korban: Taanit 26a, 27a; Sotah 8a
Requiring that the owner have "knowledge [Daat]" of the korban: Nedarim 35b-36a
Whether a korban may be brought on the altar, without a Temple: Megillah 10a
The owner must own the entire korban he brings: Temurah 11b
A required korban must come from funds that had not been sanctified previously: Chagigah 8a
Recycling a korban if it wasn't used for its designation at the first opportunity: Yoma 65a-66a
Whether korbanot are considered to be under-age at night, or if it is the proper time already and we just don't bring the korban until the daytime: Chagigah 9b; Keritot 8a
If the Torah mentions one may bring a goat or lamb for a particular korban, preference should be for the lamb: Keritot 28a
If the Torah mentions one may bring a pigeon or turtledove for a particular korban, preference should be for the pigeon: Keritot 28a
All communal korbanot are from male animals: Temurah 14a
All communal korbanot may not be donated by individuals: Keritot 6a
If a communal korban is not brought on time, it is not brought at all: Temurah 14a
If the libations for a communal korban are not brought on time, they are not brought at all, unless the korban was brought on time: Temurah 14a
Whether the status of a limb of a korban is determined as a unit, or whether part of a limb could have one status, and part could have another status: Keritot 14a
Whether one may bring a "conditional" korban ["al tenai"] - identifying its owner or its type as dependent on an unknown factor: Keritot 7b, 18b, 22a-b, 22b-23a
Consumption of korbanot
One must eat korbanot of lesser holiness in an area within the diameter marked from Jerusalem to Bait Pagi: Pesachim 63b