One who visits will pray for the sick person, resulting in his eventual recuperation: Nedarim 40a
How often one ought to visit: Nedarim 39b
Where the visitor should sit: Nedarim 40a
Visiting one who is feverish: Nedarim 41a
Visiting one who has a bowel disorder: Nedarim 41a
Visiting one who has an eye disease: Nedarim 41a
Visiting one who has a head illness: Nedarim 41a
Visiting one with "Bordam," a disease which causes either massive dehydration or massive hemorraging, depending on the interpretation: Nedarim 41b
One ought not to visit in the morning, when the morning strength of the ill person will fool him into not praying, nor in the evening, when the evening strength of the illness will fool him into giving up hope: Nedarim 40a
Visiting one who will be embarrassed by having a visitor: Nedarim 41a
Visiting one's "inferior": Nedarim 39b
Visiting one who has vowed not to benefit from him, or the vower visiting the person from whom he has vowed benefit: Nedarim 38b-39b