Please note that there is much confusion over the meaning of "World to Come - Olam HaBa" and I have included here any instance in which the Talmud opts for the term "Olam HaBa."
The Evil Inclination testifying against its host in the World to Come: Succah 52b
The World to Come as a World without physical desire or jealousy or anger or competition; only the Righteous Enjoying Manifestation of Gd's Presence: Berachot 17a
Gd's Name will be written and pronounced in the identical "Yud"-"Hay" form: Pesachim 50a
The light for the Righteous entering the World to Come is like the Morning Light: Pesachim 2a
Torah Scholars will not find any peace, even in the World to Come: Moed Katan 29a
Light will be plentiful in the World to Come: Pesachim 50a
Rabbi Pereida had a student who needed to have a lesson repeated 400 times in order for him to learn it properly. Once, the student still didn't understand, and the student explained it was because he had heard someone telling Rabbi Pereida he would have to get Rabbi Pereida for a Mitzvah later, so that the student had his mind on Rabbi Pereida having to leave. Rabbi Pereida then sat and taught him the lesson 400 more times. A Divine Voice emerged and offered Rabbi Pereida 400 years of extra life, or merit for the next world for his generation. Rabbi Pereida took the latter, and so Gd gave him both: Eruvin 54b
A person who thinks before he acts, weighing the benefit of a Mitzvah against the loss due to a transgression, will merit to see the time of the Messiah: Sotah 5b
Losing one's share in the Next World
A man who crosses a body of water behind a woman: Eruvin 18b
"In the future" there will be a circle of the righteous in the Garden of Eden, and Gd will be among them so clearly that each of them will be able to point: Taanit 31a
The Garden of Eden located on Earth: Eruvin 19a
The Openings of the Garden: Eruvin 19a
The Heavenly Study-Hall - Yeshivah Shel Maalah / Metivta d'Rekia