Sages of the Mishnah - Tannaim

  • Abba Bar Marta

    Also known as Abba Bar Manyumi: Shabbat 121b, Yoma 84a

    Was insulted by the Exilarch [Reish Galuta], until he proved himself to be a "Tzurba MeiRabbanan [Young Torah Scholar]": Shabbat 121b

  • Abba Binyamin

    Careful to pray the morning prayers upon waking: Berachot 5b

    Careful to orient bed North/South: Berachot 5b

    Set of statements: Berachot 5b-6a

  • Abba Chilkiyahu

    Known as one who acted with perfect justice: Makkot 24a

  • Abba Shaul

    The Dough-Preparer of Rebbe's household: Pesachim 34a

  • Akavyah ben Mahallel

    According to Rabbi Yehudah, no one [who was in the Outer Room of the Temple at his time for the Pesach Offering] was more wise or fearful of sin than Akavyah Ben Mahallel: Berachot 19a; Pesachim 64b

    Whether he was ex-communicated: Berachot 19a; Pesachim 64b

  • Avtalyon

    Vs. a non-righteous Head Kohen: Yoma 71b

    Involved in a Sotah case: Berachot 19a

    Mocked posthumously for his status as a convert: Berachot 19a

  • Avtulmus

    Testifying on the practical legal rulings of the Sages: Eruvin 35a; Rosh HaShanah 15a; Succah 40a

  • Avuha DeShemuel

  • Ayvo

    Ayvo, Chana, Sheila, Marta and Rabbi Chiyya were all sons of Abba bar Acha Karsela from Kafri: Sanhedrin 5a-b

  • Bava ben Buta

    Bava ben Buta's desire to bring a korban asham taluy daily in case he had sinned; he was told not to bring it on the day after Yom Kippur, since Yom Kippur atones for the sort of sin that warrants an asham taluy: Keritot 18a, 25a

    Bava Buta declaring an oath, "HaMa'on haZeh! [By this Temple!]": Keritot 25a

  • Beit [House (Students) of-] Hillel

  • Beit [House (Students) of-] Shammai

  • Batnit, the son of Abba Shaul ben Batnit

    How Batnit helped Rabbi Shimon bar Rebbe to rescind a vow: Nedarim 22b-23a

  • Bar Kappara

  • [Shimon] ben Azzai

  • [Yochanan] ben Bag Bag

    First name was "Yochanan": Kiddushin 10b

    Rabbi Yehudah ben Betaira sent a message to ben Bag Bag, beginning, "I know that you are expert in all of the rooms of the Torah, to analyze via the "Kal VaChomer" method: Kiddushin 10b

    Rabbi Yochanan declared regarding a scriptural analysis of Ben Bag Bag, "If anyone can explain the verse to me as Ben Bag Bag read it, I will carry his garments after him to the bathhouse!": Eruvin 27b

  • ben Buchri

    Testifying as to how a practice was practiced in Yavneh: Menachot 46b

  • ben Hay Hay

    Visited by Eliyahu the Prophet: Chagigah 9b

  • Bnei Beteirah [the sons of Beteirah]

    Rabbi Yehudah haNasi answering a question in place of the Bnei Beteirah: Zevachim 12a

  • Berebi

    His father questioned a statement of his, to which he responded, "You taught us, our master, that...": Makkot 5b

  • Chana

    Ayvo, Chana, Sheila, Marta and Rabbi Chiyya were all sons of Abba bar Acha Karsela from Kafri: Sanhedrin 5a-b

  • Chanina ben Chizkiyah

    Rav said that Chanina ben Chizkiyah should be remembered for good, because he entered an attic with 300 bottles of oil, and resolved all of the difficulties between the text of Yechezkel and the rest of the Torah, to prevent its being sealed away: Menachot 45a

  • Chizkiyah

  • Choni haMe'agel

    Shimon ben Shetach's threat of ex-communication for his apparently arrogant method of prayer: Berachot 19a

  • Chutzpit HaMeturgeman

    Elisha ben Avuyah witnessed the tongue of Chutzpit HaMeturgeman cut out and left in the dirt, and this drove him to question Divine Reward: Kiddushin 39b

  • Elisha ben Avuyah [aka "Acher"]

    Witnessed the tongue of Chutzpit HaMeturgeman cut out and left in the dirt, and this drove him to question Divine Reward: Kiddushin 39b

    Witnessed a child die, after the child had obeyed his parents and sent away a mother bird before taking its young, leading him to question Divine Reward: Kiddushin 39b

    His grandson was Rabbi Yaakov: Kiddushin 39b

  • Hillel

  • Hillel ben Rabban Gamliel

    Bathing with his brother, despte local custom: Pesachim 51a

    Walking in loose, floppy shoes [which could slip off and accidentally be carried] on Shabbat, against local custom: Pesachim 51a

  • Ilfa

    His notepad: Menachot 70a Rav Dimi reporting a question of Ilfa's when he arrived from Israel, and then Ravin arriving from Israel and reporting Ilfa's subsequent response to his own question: Zevachim 20a

  • Isi ben Akavyah

    A.K.A. Yosef Ish Hutzal, Yosef HaBavli, Isi Ben Gur Aryeh, Isi Ben Yehudah, Isi Ben Gamliel, Isi Ben Mahallel: Pesachim 113b

  • Levi

  • Marta

    Ayvo, Chana, Sheila, Marta and Rabbi Chiyya were all sons of Abba bar Acha Karsela from Kafri: Sanhedrin 5a-b

  • Nachum HaMadi

    Nachum haMadi's error regarding Nazirites who came to bring their korbanot and then learned that the Beit haMikdash was destroyed: Nazir 32a-b

  • Nachum Ish Gam Zu

    Nachum Ish Gam Zu whispered a leniency to Rabbi Akiva, who whispered it to Ben Azzai, for fear that if it spread it might lead to improper practices: Berachot 22a

  • Nechemiah/Shimon Ha'Amsuni

    Explaining the Meanings of the word "Et [And]" in the Torah, then retracting all of it when he couldn't explain one: Pesachim 22b; Bechorot 6b

  • Rabbis of Yavneh

    They said that the main factor in a person's service of Gd should be his purity of intention: Berachot 17a

  • Rabbeinu HaKadosh

  • Rav

  • Rav Acha Bardela

    Rav's Financial dealings with Rav Acha Bardela: Gittin 14a

  • Rabbi Achyah

    He received News from afar of his son's death: Moed Katan 20a

  • Rabbi Akiva

  • Rabbi Chalafta

    Used a ram's horn and trumpets in Tzippori on Rosh HaShanah, but the Sages objected, stating that this was strictly a Temple practice: Rosh HaShanah 27a

  • Rabbi Chananiah Ben Akaviah

    Rav cited a lesson of his as an example of what one would miss, if he missed time in the Study Hall: Shabbat 83b

    Rabbi Yehudah taught Torah while in mourning for his son via a third party [Rabbi Chananyah ben Akavya] who transmitted to his assistant, because he was needed: Moed Katan 21a Three leniencies which Rabbi Chananiah ben Akavya permitted for the people of Tiveriah: Eruvin 87b-88a

  • Rabbi Chananiah/Chanina ben Gamliel

  • Rabbi Chanina

  • Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinai

    When Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinai went to the beit midrash at the end of the sheva berachot week of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai asked him to wait for him, which he did. He ended up spending twelve years learning, and when he returned home the roads had changed and he was lost until he heard someone call his daughter. He came home, and his wife's heart stopped when she saw him. He prayed for her, and she was revived: Ketuvot 62b

    Rabbi Chama bar Bissa learned in yeshiva for twelve years. When he came home he did not wish to surprise his wife, lest she be harmed, as happened with the wife of Rabbi Chanina bar Chachinai. So he went to learn in the local beit midrash first. He met his son Rabbi Oshia and engaged in Torah discussion without knowing it was his son, and he was impressed. When he came home, his son was there, and he stood for his son, until his wife said, "What father stands for his son?": Ketuvot 62b

  • Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa

  • Rabbi Chanina Ben Teradyon

    His daughter was Beruriah, Rabbi Meir's wife: Pesachim 62b

    Used a ram's horn and trumpets in Sichni on Rosh HaShanah, but the Sages objected, stating that this was strictly a Temple practice: Rosh HaShanah 27a

  • Rabbi Chiyya and his sons

  • Rabbi Dosa ben Harkinas

    Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Dosa ben Harkinas comforting Rabbi Yehoshua, when Rabban Gamliel forced him to forgo his own ruling for Rabban Gamliel's: Rosh HaShanah 25a, 25b

  • All of the "Rabban Gamliel"s

  • Rabbi Elazar [ben Shamua, per Rashi Eruvin 38b and Rashi Ketuvot 40a]

  • Rabbi Elazar ben Arach

  • Rabbi Elazar Ben Azaryah

  • Rabbi Elazar Ben Parta

    Repeating Verses in the "Hallel" Prayer: Pesachim 119b

  • Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi Shimon

    Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said that on his own he could exempt the world from judgment during his lifetime, with his son Rabbi Elazar he could exempt from Creation until then, and with Yotam ben Uziyahu from Creation until the end: Succah 45b

    Rav Shimon bar Yochai on the number of righteous people who are closest to Gd, and the inclusion of himself and his son, Rabbi Elazar, among them: Succah 45b His care in making sure he would respond if he heard someone insult a young Torah scholar: Makkot 24a

  • Rabbi Elazar haKappar

    Known as "BeRebi," implying that he was the leader: Nedarim 10a

  • Rabbi Eliezer

  • Rabbi Eliezer B"R Yosi

  • Rabbi Eliezer/Elazar ben Rabbi Tzaddok

  • Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yaakov

    Rabbi Eliezer ben Yaakov's teachings are "Kav veNaki" - rare but refined - and the law will follow them: Eruvin 62b

    Set of quotations, cited by Rabbi Yosi B"R Chanina, on Prayer: Berachot 10b

  • Rabbi Eliezer haModai

    Rabban Gamliel rejecting a series of responses by the Sages, finally saying, "We still require [the answer of] the Modai [Rabbi Eliezer HaModai]: Megillah 15b

  • Rabbi Ilai

  • Rabbi Meir

  • Rabbi Menachem B"R Yosi

    Also known as "Vardimus {Rosy One]" because of his rosy complexion: Shabbat 118b

  • Rabbi Nehorai

  • Rabbi Natan

  • Rabbi Nechemyah

    Rabbi Nechemyah was also called "Rabbi Nehorai," because he enlightened the eyes of the Sages in Law: Shabbat 147b; Eruvin 13b

    Rabbi Nechemyah was also named "Rabbi Meir," because of the light he provided: Eruvin 13b

    Rabbi Nechemyah was approached by a pauper for meat and wine as tzedakah consistent with his earlier lifestyle. Rabbi Nechemyah shared lentils with him, and the pauper died. Rabbi Nechemyah bemoaned the man's pampered state; he should have accustomed himself to less: Ketuvot 67b

  • Rabbi Nechunyah ben HaKanah

    Explaining to his students how he merited long life: Megillah 28a

  • Rabbi Nechunyah HaGadol

    Rabbi Akiva asked Rabbi Nechunyah HaGadol how he merited a long life. When Rabbi Nechunyah's aides chased him away, he proved his knowledge to demonstrate his sincerity: Megillah 28a

  • Rabbi Oshia

  • Rabbi Papyas

    Testifying with Rabbi Yehoshua regarding a law: Temurah 18a

    How he dealt with an offering which bore a child before he could offer it: Temurah 18a, 18b

  • Rabbi Pereida

    His explanation for why he merited long life: Megillah 27b-28a

    Rabbi Pereida had a student who needed to have a lesson repeated 400 times in order for him to learn it properly. Once, the student still didn't understand, and the student explained it was because he had heard someone telling Rabbi Pereida he would have to get Rabbi Pereida for a Mitzvah later, so that the student had his mind on Rabbi Pereida having to leave. Rabbi Pereida then sat and taught him the lesson 400 more times. A Divine Voice emerged and offered Rabbi Pereida 400 years of extra life, or merit for the next world for his generation. Rabbi Pereida took the latter, and so Gd gave him both: Eruvin 54b

  • Rabbi Pinchas ben Arova
    Reporting on the autopsy of Titus: Gittin 56b

  • Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair

    The extraordinary nature of his donkey: Shabbat 112b

  • Rabbi Reuven ben Itztirubili

    Set of statements cited by Rav: Moed Katan 18b

  • Rabbi Shimon bar Rebbe

  • Rabbi Shimon / Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

  • Rabbi Shimon Ben Chalafta

    Explaining to Rebbe that he didn't come for the Holiday because "The boulders have become heights, the near places have become distant, the 2 [legs] have become 3 [a cane], and I have become impotent": Shabbat 152a

  • Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar

    Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar reporting a practice of Rabbi Meir: Eruvin 29a

  • Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel

  • Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi

    How he opened his class teaching The Book of Chronicles: Megillah 13a

  • Rabbi Shimon Ben Rabbi Yosi Ben Lakunya

    Gave Rabbi Yochanan ben Elazar Wild Cabbage grown in the Sabbatical Year to eat, based on the custom of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, but only allowed him to eat them before him: Pesachim 51a-b

  • Rabbi Shimon HaNasi

    Whether he was truly the Leader, as the title "Nasi" implies: Gittin 15a

  • Rabbi Tarfon

  • Rabbi Tzaddok

  • Rabbi Yaakov

    Rabbi Yaakov saw a child die, after the child had obeyed his parents and sent away a mother bird before taking its young, leading him to conclude that the promised "long life" was not for this world: Kiddushin 39b

    Was the grandson of Elisha ben Avuyah: Kiddushin 39b

  • Rabbi Yaakov bar Acha

    Wanted to bare his shoulder when Rebbe was going to do so after Rebbe's father died, so Rebbe didn't do it; alternatively, the roles were reversed: Moed Katan 22b

  • Rabbi Yaakov Ish Kefar Chitaya

    Used to visit his Rebbe daily, and was miserable when he became too old to do so: Chagigah 5b

  • Rabbi Yehoshua

  • Rabbi Yehoshua ben Beteirah

    Known as Rabbi Yehoshua after his ordination and as "the son of Beteirah" before his ordination: Taanit 3a

  • Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Chananiah

  • Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Karcha

  • Rabbi Yehoshua haGarsi

    When Rabbi Akiva was in jail, Rabbi Yehoshua haGarsi would bring him water: Eruvin 21b

  • Rabbi Yehudah [bar Rabbi Ilai]

  • Rabbi Yehudah Ben Bava

    Is listed sometimes as "Chasid Echad [One pious person]": Temurah 15b; Rashi Shabbat 127b

    His testimony about the law in certain cases: Niddah 8a

    A pious person raised a goat in Israel because his doctor said he needed the goat's milk; this was his only sin. This person was either Rabbi Yehudah ben Bava or Rabbi Yehuda ben Rabbi Ilai: Temurah 15b-16a

  • Rabbi Yehudah Ben Betaira

  • Rabbi Yehudah ben Gadish

    Rabbi Yehudah ben Gadish testifying before Rabbi Eliezer regarding what his parents purchased with their Secondary Tithe, and Rabbi Eliezer questioning his memory: Eruvin 27a

  • Rabbi Yehudah Ben Nechemiah

    Was joyful at successfully answering Rabbi Tarfon's question, and he died within weeks, as Rabbi Akiva predicted: Menachot 68b

  • Rabbi Yehudah ben Roetz

    His students asked him a question, which he answered; after they left, he pursued them to give them a different answer: Sanhedrin 4a

  • Rabbi Yehudah ben Tabbai

    Exclaimed, "Ereh beNechamah," "If this is true, may I see the consolation of the Jewish people!": Makkot 5b

    Rabbi Yehudah ben Tabbai had an Ed Zomem killed to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach pointed out. From then on, he refused to rule in law other than before Shimon ben Shetach, and he spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness: Makkot 5b

  • Rabbi Yeshevav

    Rabbi Yeshevav calling Rabbi Akiva "Akiva ben Yosef" in apparent exasperation: Ketuvot 29b

    Either Rabbi Yeshevav prevented someone from giving more than 20% to tzedakah, or Rabbi Yeshevav wanted to give more than 20% and Rabbi Akiva prevented him from doing it: Ketuvot 50a

  • Rabbi Yishmael

  • Rabbi Yishmael ben Elisha

    Note: Tosafot indicates that there were multiple famous people of the name "Rabbi Yishmael Ben Elisha." I am placing all anecdotes under one listing, due to the difficulty of resolving all of the potential problems.

    Did Chalitzah-Rite with a shoe of "Mok" material, Alone, At Night: Yevamot 104a

    Giving a "Blessing to Gd" in the Holy of Holies: Berachot 7a Care in avoiding anything resembling a bribe: Makkot 24a

  • Rabbi Yishmael ben Rabbi Yosi

  • Rabbi Yitzchak ben Acha

    This is the "Rabbi Yitzchak" referred to in legal references: Pesachim 114a

    What he taught the sages when he arrived: Eruvin 27a, 36b

  • Rabbi Yitzchak ben Pinchas

    This is the "Rabbi Yitzchak" referred to in discussions not related to law: Pesachim 114a

  • Rabbi Yitzchak ben Tavla

    Also known as Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Chakla, Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Ilaa: Pesachim 113b

  • Rabbi Yochanan ben Beteirah

    The Students of Shammai and of Hillel meeting in the attic of Rabbi Yochanan ben Beteirah: Menachot 41b

  • Rabbi Yochanan ben HaChoranit

    Hosting House of Hillel and House of Shammai in his Succot-Hut: Berachot 11a; Eruvin 13b

  • Rabbi Yochanan ben Matya

    What happened when he assigned his son to hire laborers, and the son promised to provide them with meals: Bava Metzia 49a, 83a

  • Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri

    Special Dispensation allowed a raped woman to marry a Kohen, despite unknown lineage of the Rapist: Ketuvot 14b

    Rabbi Yehoshua was expert in the laws of grafted produce; nonetheless, he went to Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri to ask him a question regarding those laws: Eruvin 11b

    After Rabban Gamliel died, Rabbi Yehoshua tried to change a certain legal practice. Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri arose and said, "It appears to me that the body should follow the head [those who came first]! We always followed Rabban Gamliel in his days, now you want to annul his words? Yehoshuam we will not listen to you, for the law is established like Rabban Gamliel!" No one argued against him.: Eruvin 41a

  • Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai

  • Rabbi Yonatan

  • Rabbi Yoshiyah

    Included as one of "The Three Elders" with Rabbi Ila'i and Rabbi Yehudah ben Beteirah: Berachot 22a

  • Rabbi Yosi

  • Rabbi Yosi ben Chalafta

    Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel terming Rabbi Yosi ben Chalafta "BeRebi" - leader of the generation: Succah 26a

  • Rabbi Yosi Ben Durmaskiא

    Rabbi Yosi ben Durmaskit was cursed by Rabbi Elazar to have his eyes fall out for telling over a Law spoken to Moshe at Sinai as a modern institution, and then healed by Rabbi Elazar: Chagigah 3b

  • Rabbi Yosi ben Kippar

    Rabbi Achi bar Yoshiyah asked Rabbi Dostai bar Rabbi Yannai and Rabbi Yosi ben Kippar to bring a charge back to him from its guardians; the guardians demanded absolution from responsiblity over the object while it was en route, and Rabbi Yosi refused to grant it; they beat him, with Rabbi Dostai's approval. Rabbi Dostai explained that he gave in because the guardians were 1 cubit tall, with 1 cubit hats, deep voices, strange names and the power to imprison or kill them: Gittin 14a-b

  • Rabbi Yosi ben Pereida

    Rabbi Eliezer visited Rabbi Yosi ben Pereida, his student, and instructed him to change the construction of an alley in which they wanted to transport items. When Rabbi Yosi ben Pereida protested, "Need it be sealed?" he responded "So what if it's sealed?": Eruvin 11b-12a

  • Rabbi Yosi beRabbi Yehudah

    Deciding between the view of Rabbi Yosi BeRabbi Yehudah and the sages: Eruvin 16b

  • Rabbi Yosi ben Ulam of Tzippori

    His brief tenure as a replacement for the Head Kohen: Megillah 9b

  • Rabbi Yosi HaGelili

  • Rabbi Yosi HaKohen

    Beluria the Convert asked him to balance Gd's Impartiality with the Promise of Reward for Mitzvot; Rabbi Yosi HaKohen answered her, instead: Rosh HaShanah 17b

  • Rabbi Zakkai

    His explanation for why he merited long life: Megillah 27b

    His mother's self-sacrifice for his fulfillment of Mitzvot: Megillah 27b

    The wealth which his mother left for him, and the wealth which he left for his children: Megillah 27b

  • Rabbi Zecharyah Ben Avkulus

    His role in the destruction of the second Temple: Gittin 55b-56a

  • Rabbi Zecharyah Ben HaKatzav

    Exclaiming "HaMaon HaZeh! [By the Temple!]": Ketuvot 27b

    Testifying that his wife was not raped during their capture: Ketuvot 27b

    Keeping her nearby after his testimony was not accepted: Ketuvot 27b

  • Rebbe

  • Shammai

  • Shemayah

    Vs. a non-righteous Head Kohen: Yoma 71b Involved in a Sotah case: Berachot 19a

    Mocked posthumously for his status as a convert: Berachot 19a

  • Shemuel

  • Sheila

    Ayvo, Chana, Sheila, Marta and Rabbi Chiyya were all sons of Abba bar Acha Karsela from Kafri: Sanhedrin 5a-b

  • Shimon achi Azaryah

    The arrangement between Shimon and his brother Azaryah, that Azaryah would work to support his brother Shimon, in exchange for reward from Shimon's Torah study: Rashi Zevachim 2a "Shimon Achi Azaryah"

  • Shimon ben Shetach

    Rabbi Yehudah ben Tabbai had an Ed Zomem killed to show the Tziddukim they were wrong regarding a law, but made a mistake himself, which Shimon ben Shetach pointed out. From then on, he refused to rule in law other than before Shimon ben Shetach, and he spent his life crying at the grave of his victim for forgiveness: Makkot 5b

    On ex-communicating Choni haMe'agel: Berachot 19a

    On ex-communicating Todos Ish Romi: Berachot 19a

  • Shimon haPekuli

    His work in designing the Structure of the Amidah: Megillah 17b, 18a

  • Shimon HaTzaddik

    And Alexander Mokdon: Yoma 69a

    And a righteous Nazirite: Nedarim 9b

  • Sumchus

    Sumchus was a student of Rabbi Meir, and for every case in which the answer was "Pure" he could provide 48 reasons for that decision, and for every case in which the answer was "Impure" he could provide 48 reasons for that decision: Eruvin 13b

    Rabbi Natan asked Sumchus a question, and he replied, "I haven't heard": Ketuvot 52a

  • Todos Ish Romi / Thaddeus of Rome

    Instructed his community to eat roasted meat on Pesach night: Berachot 19a; Pesachim 53a

    Whether he was a "Gavra Rabbah [Great Man]" or simply threateningly powerful: Pesachim 53b

    Shimon ben Shetach's threat of ex-communication: Berachot 19a

  • Yehudah ben Rabban Gamliel

    Bathing with his brother, despte local custom: Pesachim 51a

    Walking in loose, floppy shoes [which could slip off and accidentally be carried] on Shabbat, against local custom: Pesachim 51a

  • Yehudah ben Shamua

    One may not fast on the 28th of Adar, because on that date Yehudah ben Shamua and his peers succeeding in preventing a decree which would have prohibited teaching Torah, circumcising, and keeping Shabbat: Rosh HaShanah 19a

    He was a student of Rabbi Meir: Rosh HaShanah 19a

  • Yochanan ben Rabbi Ilai

    Rabbi Eli'ezer staying in the Succah of Yochanan BeR' Ilai on the holiday; when asked whether to cover part of the Succah for shade, Rabbi Eliezer refused to answer directly, for fear of saying something which he hadn't heard from his Rebbe: Succah 27b

  • Yonatan ben Uziel

  • Yosef Ben Simai

    Was close to the king, and so the king's servants came to put out his fire on Shabbat, and he refused to let them, and a miracle was done for him to extinguish it with rain: Shabbat 121a

  • Yosef ben Yochanan [of Jerusalem]

    He was one of the last "Eshkol" people - a Person with Everything: Torah, Awe of Heaven and Generosity: Temurah 15b

  • Yosef HaKohen

    Married his sister-in-law immediately after his wife died so that his kids would be taken care of, but didn't touch her for 30 days: Moed Katan 23a

    Yosef haKohen left Israel and went to Tziddon in order to learn Torah from his teacher, even though that meant he would gain rabbinically-defined impurity: Eruvin 47a-b

  • Yosi (also Yosef) ben Yoezer [of Tzeraidah]

    His testimony as to certain laws: Pesachim 16a; Nedarim 19a

    He was one of the last "Eshkol" people - a Person with Everything: Torah, Awe of Heaven and Generosity: Temurah 15b

    His role in the first debates regarding Torah law: Temurah 15b-16a

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