Rabbi Tzaddok

In Yavneh for Pesach: Pesachim 49a

Received News from afar of his father's death 3 years after it happened: Moed Katan 20a

How Rabbi Tzaddok talked a matron into ending her sexual harassment of him: Kiddushin 40a

Rabban Gamliel tried to serve Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Tzaddok at Rabban Gamliel's son's wedding. Rabbi Eliezer refused to be served, but Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Tzaddok pointed to Avraham's and Gd's service of others, respectively, as models for the greater serving the lesser: Kiddushin 32b

Rabbi Tzaddok's forty years of fasting to prevent the destruction of the second Temple: Gittin 56a, 56b

The cure for Rabbi Tzaddok's malnutrition: Gittin 56a, 56b

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai asking Roman General Vespasian for the safety of the sages of Yavneh, the survival of Rabban Gamliel's line, and medical treatment for Rabbi Tzaddok: Gittin 56b

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