Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai

The breadth of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai's learning, and his status among Hillel's students: Succah 28a

His lifetime, and what he did with the 3 sets of 40 years within it: Rosh HaShanah 31b-32a

His edicts: Beitzah 5a-6a; Rosh HaShanah 29b, 30a-b, 31b; Succah 41a-b; Menachot 68a

He had 9 edicts in all: Rosh HaShanah 31b

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai rescinding edicts, to prevent error: Rosh HaShanah 31b [2x]; Keritot 9a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful not to speak empty speech: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful not to travel 4 cubits without Phylacteries or without learning Torah: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful to be first and last in the Study Hall: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful not to learn Torah in a dirty place: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful to be the one to open the door for the entering students himself: Succah 28a

Nobody ever found Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai sitting unoccupied: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai was careful not to say anything he hadn't learned from his Rebbe: Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai analyzing a verse "like a knot": Kiddushin 22b

Helping a family which was descendant from the House of Eli: Rosh HaShanah 18a; Yevamot 105a

Giving a Public class in the Shade of the Walls of the Inner room of the Temple: Pesachim 26a

Wouldn't allow Almanat Eesah to a Kohen, because Kohanim wouldn't listen: Ketuvot 14a

Using Clean language, before Hillel: Pesachim 3b

Debating with a Sadducee on the appropriate date for Shavuot [Pentecost]: Menachot 65a-b

Telling a Sadducee, "Our complete Torah is not to be compared with your empty babble!": Menachot 65b

Tricking the Sons of Beteirah into setting up the blowing of the Shofar in Courts on Shabbat, after the Temple Era: Rosh HaShanah 29b

Rabbi Eliezer as a "friend" or student of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai: Rosh HaShanah 31b; Succah 28a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai only told the students to leave the Study Hall on the eve of Pesach and the eve of Yom Kippur, and Rabbi Eli'ezer [his student] followed this custom as well: Succah 28a

The strategy of Abba Sikra, head of the Biryonim, and his uncle Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, to smuggle out the latter to the Roman general Vespasian during the Roman siege of Jerusalem: Gittin 56a-b

Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua, students of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, carrying him out of Jerusalem to the Roman general Vespasian: Gittin 56a

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai's dialogue with the Roman general/emperor Vespasian: Gittin 56a-b

Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai asking Roman General Vespasian for the safety of the sages of Yavneh, the survival of Rabban Gamliel's line, and medical treatment for Rabbi Tzaddok: Gittin 56b

Kontrikos the Noble asking a question of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai (or Rabban Gamliel in some editions), regarding the math in the Torah's census of the Levites: Bechorot 5a

Kontrikos the Noble challenging Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai (or Rabban Gamliel in some editions), regarding the math in Moshe's collection of silver for the Mishkan: Bechorot 5a

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