Enactments to prevent a woman from being dealt with as though she were an ownerless object: Yevamot 112b
Enactments to protect communal funds: Ketuvot 52b
Enactments to protect a divorced woman from challenges to the validity of her Get: Gittin 3b
Enactments to protect commerce, by safeguarding purchasers from the fear that their purchase could be taken to pay off the seller's various obligations: Bava Metzia 14b
A rabbinic enactment forcing a butcher to slaughter an animal for any purchaser, even if the purchaser cannot afford to buy all of the meat, in order to ensure that there would be meat for people for the holidays. To aid the butchers, the sages ruled that the purchaser would acquire his meat by mere transfer of money, so that if something were to happen to the animal, the purchaser would lose his investment. Alternatively, the butcher gives the meat to someone else to claim on behalf of the purchaser: Eruvin 81b