How we know that the korban olah undergoes shechitah in the northern part of the azarah, and what happens if this is not done: Zevachim 48a, 48b-49a, 53b
How we know that the korban chatat undergoes shechitah in the northern part of the azarah: Zevachim 48a-b
How we know that the korban asham undergoes shechitah in the northern part of the azarah: Zevachim 49a-50a, 54b
The exact place within the northern area of the Beit haMikdash which is appropriate for shechitah for high-level korbanot [kodshei kodashim]: Zevachim 14a, 33a
Moving the knife away from the receptacle catching the korban's blood, and wiping it on the outside of the receptacle, to avoid having the blood on the knife mix with the blood in the receptacle: Zevachim 25a
Shechting without any intent to shecht, while involved in some other physical activity [mitasek]: Zevachim 47a
What happens if one slaughters a korban shelamim before dawn, when the Temple doors open: Zevachim 55b; Eruvin 2a; Yoma 62b
What if the animal was to be processed in the northern in the northern part of the azarah, and the shochet or the person receiving the blood was not in the northern area: Zevachim 26a, 48b
What if a chatat is slaughtered in the southern part of the azarah: Zevachim 36a-b
Shechitah of a parah adumah by a non-kohen: Zevachim 14b
What happens if the shochet dies before the korban's service is complete: Yoma 49b
What happens if an animal's legs are outside the Beit haMikdash during the shechitah, and one severs them before or after the shechitah: Zevachim 25b-26a
Shechting when the animal is partially outside the proper area: Zevachim 26a
Shechting when the shochet is standing outside the proper area: Zevachim 32a
Shechting when the animal, or the shochet, is airborne: Zevachim 26a
What happens if a disqualified party slaughters the animal with pigul thoughts: Zevachim 26b, 31b