Kohanim/Owners leaning on korbanot - Semichah
Which korbanot require leaning
Whether this is part of the service for a
korban shelamim
, including a
korban chagigah
and a
korban pesach which aged out
: Pesachim 96b, 97a; Zevachim 9a
For a
korban shelamim
: Rosh HaShanah 33a; Megillah 5a; Chagigah 7b; Temurah 16a
Whether an heir who inherits an offering performs this, when he brings the offering: Temurah 2a
Whether this practice is performed on a
nochri's offering
: Temurah 2a
Whether a person performs this practice on another person's offering, if he is bringing it in his friend's place: Temurah 2a
Leaning as a requirement for a
korban olah
: Zevachim 6a-b
Leaning as a requirement for a
korban asham
: Zevachim 11a
Leaning as a requirement for the
asham of a metzora
: Zevachim 33a
Leaning on a
korban asham
which is brought as a
korban olah
if its master dies or uses a different animal as his korban asham: Temurah 20b
Leaning as a requirement for
sa'ir nachshon - the goats brought by the nesi'im in dedicating the mishkan
: Zevachim 48b
Leaning as a requirement for
a sin offering for idolatry
: Zevachim 48b
Is leaning a hard and fast requirement, such that its omission would disqualify a korban: Zevachim 39b
The Mechanics of Leaning
At what time of day this is done: Megillah 20b
Whether women do this, too: Eruvin 96a-b; Rosh HaShanah 33a; Kiddushin 36a
Leaning with full strength: Zevachim 33a
How the leaning is conducted, if a group of people are partners in an offering: Temurah 2a
How many judges
were needed to lean on the
bull brought for an error made by the community
: Sanhedrin 2a; 3b; 13b
Standing outside the Beit haMikdash, with one's hands on the korban inside the Beit haMikdash: Zevachim 32a-33a
Requiring that leaning be just before
: Zevachim 33a
Leaning on the korban while
: Zevachim 32a-b
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