How many offerings a metzora brings if he goes through several purification periods, each time finding a new mark of tzaraat just before he is able to bring his offerings: Keritot 9b
Do we consider the blood of the metzora's korban asham a matir for personal use of the oil remnants, since the oil may not be used until the asham's service is complete - or not, since the oil may be brought at a later date: Zevachim 43a, 44a-b
The question of whether the blood of the asham metzora is caught by hand or in a receptacle: Yoma 61b; Zevachim 47b
Linking the laws of the Asham Metzora with the laws of general sin offerings, because all of them are brought in the Beit haMikdash - even though the Asham Metzora is not actually brought for atonement, like the others: Keritot 25a
How the metzora leaned on this korban: Zevachim 32b-33b
Rabbinic decree preventing the metzora from entering the Beit haMikdash while bringing his asham, other than to insert his hands, lest he travel more than is minimally needed for the rite: Zevachim 33a-b
How we know that the blood and fat of the metzora's asham are placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 49a