Burning items on the Mizbeiach [altar] - Haktarah
Burning flour offerings on the mizbeiach
Burning incense on the mizbeiach
Procedure for the Pesach Offering
Procedure for maaser beheimah
Procedure for bechor
Procedure for the asham of a metzora
Procedure for a korban olah
Burning Procedure
Whether we are supposed to introduce a fire to the altar, besides the Divine fire: Eruvin 63a
Whether women do this, too: Kiddushin 36a
for putting an animal from a non-kosher species on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 34a
for putting an animal from a chayah species on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 34a-b
Burning of the Limbs and Fat is done all night: Megillah 20b, 21a; Pesachim 59b; Menachot 72a
Procedure of Burning of Fat or Limbs from an individual's
weekday-Burnt Offering
, if that night is
or a
: Shabbat 133a, Pesachim 59b
The Fat and Kidneys must be brought with the other limbs which are brought: Pesachim 64b
The Fat and kidneys from each Offering are brought individually: Pesachim 64b
The minimum amount for burning is an
Olive Amount
: Pesachim 43b-44a
End of the time for burning: Berachot 2a
The service of Burning, and the gifts for the Kohanim
gifts given to the Kohanim
are forbidden to the Kohen, until the required sections undergo burning: Pesachim 59b
The Kohanim may eat the
gifts given to the Kohanim
, if the
sections for burning
may not be burned due to
: Pesachim 59b
When the fats are placed on the mizbeiach, is that a formal avodah [temple service]: Zevachim 13a-b
Bringing the fat of a Pesach Offering, if
one of the members possessed leaven
: Pesachim 63b-64a
Bringing meat
from a korban that was improperly slaughtered outside the Beit haMikdash
on the altar inside the Beit haMikdash
: Keritot 3b
Prohibition against leaving the fat of a korban off the mizbeiach past morning [linah]: Chagigah 10b
For an
impure person
to eat the fats before they are put on the mizbeiach, when one is impure: Zevachim 36b
The special acceptance of unacceptable offerings placed upon the
internal altar
: Zevachim 27b
Burning limbs from a
blemished animal
: Zevachim 35b; Temurah 6b, 7b
What if a female animal was dedicated as a
korban olah
and placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 35b
What happens if the fats of a
korban asham
were not burned on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 5b
What happens if the parts of the korban were left off the mizbeiach past morning, and then were put on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 51a
What if a korban that was
at night
was put on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if a korban's blood
spilled on the ground
, and parts of the korban were then brought on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if a korban's
was brought
outside the Beit haMikdash
, and parts of the korban were then brought on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if
was put on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 43a-b
What if an
korban was put on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 43a-b, 51a
What if parts of a korban
were brought outside the Beit haMikdash
, and then placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 43a, 51
What if a korban was slaughtered with
pigul thoughts
and then parts were placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 43a-b, 51a
What if the blood of a korban was
by a disqualified kohen, and then parts of the korban were placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 51a
What if the blood of a korban was
by a disqualified kohen, and then parts of the korban were placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b, 51a
What if one
sprinkled the blood
on the wrong part of the mizbeiach, and then part of the korban was placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if one
sprinkled the blood
on the wrong altar, and then part of the korban was placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if one
processed a korban chatat with improper intent
, and then placed part of it on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if one
processed a korban pesach with improper intent
, and then placed part of it on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which had been used in
an act of bestiality
was placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which had been
designated as a korban for idolatry
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which had been
worshipped for idolatry
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which had been
used as a prostitute's fee or exchanged for a dog
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal born from
inappropriate interbreeding
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which was
mortally wounded when it died
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
What if an animal which was
born from a Caesarean Section
is placed on the mizbeiach: Zevachim 27b
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