Performing Temple Services on Shabbat
Mitzvot which Supersede Shabbat
Bringing the Daily Offering on Eve of Shabbat and Shabbat
Service of the Eve of Pesach, on Shabbat
Make-up Pesach, on Shabbat
"Omer" Flour Offering on Shabbat
Offerings of a Person Awaiting Purification on Shabbat
The Daily Flour Offering of the Head Kohen
Witnesses for the New Moon
[I know this isn't a Service, but Menachot 64a regards them as related]
The Temple's Musical Instruments
The Yom Kippur Service
Issues involving Prohibitions
Which types of Offerings are brought on Shabbat: Yoma 50a; Temurah 14a
Performing a Temple Service for the Community on Shabbat: Shabbat 132b, Menachot 72b; Temurah 14a
Definition of an "Individual's Offering": Yoma 51a
Non-Application of
Rabbinic Prohibitions against Work on Shabbat
, for the Temple ["Ein Shevut beMikdash"]: Shabbat 126a; Eruvin 102a-103b; Pesachim 65a, 65b-66a
Whether the permission to perform rabbinically prohibited acts for Temple purposes extends to acts performed outside the Temple, itself: Eruvin 103a
Applicability of Rabbinic prohibitions against Shabbat work where this act is Unnecessary: Pesachim 65a
Applicability of Rabbinic Prohibitions where the act could have been performed before Shabbat: Eruvin 102b; Pesachim 66a
Slaughtering an offering on Shabbat: Eruvin 103a
If one Slaughtered an Offering in error on Shabbat: Menachot 64a
Slaughtering a fatter Offering after having Slaughtered a kosher, thinner one: Menachot 64a
Violating one form of work many times, vs. many small acts of work: Menachot 63b-64a
Not bringing
Personally-Vowed Offerings
on Shabbat: Pesachim 58b
Burning the Fats/Limbs
on Shabbat night, for a
Burnt Offering
from that day: Shabbat 133a, Pesachim 59b, Menachot 72a-b
Bringing the Fats
from Yom Kippur, on Shabbat: Shabbat 113a, 114a-b
Washing out the
External Room of the Temple
on Shabbat: Pesachim 64a, 65a
Method for
removing the hide of the Pesach Offering
on Shabbat: Shabbat 116b, 123b-124a, 133b; Pesachim 64b
Attaching a hinge to a door
: Shabbat 126a-b; Eruvin 102b
Cutting off a wart
in the Temple, so that a person will be able to perform the Temple Service without a
: Eruvin 103a-b
Bandaging a Kohen's wound with a reed for its
medical protection
: Eruvin 103b
Bandaging a Kohen's wound with a reed in order to
remove blood from the wound
: Eruvin 103b; Zevachim 19a
Spreading chunks of salt
on the
altar's ramp
to prevent people from slipping: Eruvin 104a
Drawing water from the
two wells, "Bor haGolah" and "Bor haGadol," which were in the Temple
; this
created loud noise
: Eruvin 104a
Removing an impure
entity from the Temple on Shabbat: Eruvin 104b-105a
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