The Daily Offering - Olat Tamid
Procedure for the Eve of Pesach
The Accompanying Flour/Libations
The mitzvah
At Mount Sinai, and in the Desert: Chagigah 6a-b
Brought by the Tribe of Levi in the Desert: Chagigah 6b
When the Jews first
entered Israel
: Megillah 3a-b
Inability of an individual to bring this Offering: Menachot 65a
The Offering is property of the entire nation: Taanit 26a, 27a
The Offering was suspended on the
17th of Tammuz
: Taanit 26b, 28b
The importance of this Mitzvah, vs. the importance of
Torah study
: Eruvin 63b; Megillah 3a-b
Whether leftover, un-used animals from the korban tamid may be redeemed, by special
condition of the courts [tenai beit din]
: Zevachim 6b-7a
[In]valid Animals
Bechor - First Born Animal
: Pesachim 47b
Maaser Beheimah - Animal Tithe
: Pesachim 47b
Ram in its 13th month
: Pesachim 47b
Physical Details
Requisite similarity of the Morning and Afternoon Offerings: Yoma 61b
Either a goat or a lamb may be used, without preference for either: Pesachim 57b; Keritot 28a
Taking the finest of the herd: Yoma 70b; Megillah 28a
General Procedures
Minimum number of lambs kept in the
room of the lambs
in the Temple for the Daily Offerings: Menachot 49b-50a
The animals are set aside for examination, at least four days beforehand: Pesachim 96a; Menachos 49b
What if an animal was brought without examination on Shabbat: Succah 42a
Whether an animal is brought for the daily offering or for
a musaf [special, additional offering]
, where there aren't enough: Menachot 49a-b
The above, between the next day's daily offering, and today's
musaf [special additional offering]
: Menachot 49a
When the Mitzvah of skinning the animal and separating its limbs came into effect, whether at Mount Sinai or later: Chagigah 6b
Burning the Fats/Limbs
that night, if that night is
or a
: Pesachim 59b
Burning the Fats/Limbs
that night, if that day was Shabbat and that night is
Yom Kippur
: Shabbat 113a, 114a-b; Yoma 46a; Succah 54b
How I know what time the morning and afternoon korban tamid may be brought: Zevachim 11b
Morning Offering Procedures
Bringing the korban as early as the 4th hour of the day: Niddah 8a
No korban may precede the morning korban tamid: Pesachim 58b; Menachot 49a-b
Whether the rule that the korban tamid comes first each morning is absolute: Menachot 49a-b
before the morning korban tamid: Pesachim 59a
Bringing a
special, additional korban musaf
before the morning korban tamid: Menachot 49a-b
Afternoon Offering Procedures
Source for the time of bringing the Afternoon Offering: Pesachim 58a
Time to bring the Afternoon Offering on the Eve of Shabbat: Pesachim 58a,58b
Time to bring the Afternoon Offering on Shabbat: Pesachim 58a
Making it late on Shabbat, just like the weekdays, although there are no
personally-vowed Offerings
on Shabbat: Pesachim 58b
Where the fats of the Daily and Additional Offerings are stored on Shabbat which is Rosh Chodesh: Succah 54b-55a
One may not bring a
personally-vowed Offering
after the Afternoon Offering is brought: Pesachim 58a, 58b
Bringing the Afternoon Offering if one didn't bring the Morning Offering: Menachot 49a, 50a
Bringing the
after the Afternoon Offering: Pesachim 59a
Lighting the Menorah
after the afternoon Offering: Pesachim 59a
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