The 17th of Tammuz - Shivah Asar beTammuz
Historical Events Occurring on the 17th of Tammuz
Two Tablets of the Ten Commandments
were broken: Taanit 26a-b, 28b
The bringing of the
Daily Offering
was suspended: Taanit 26b, 28b
Jerusalem was invaded, in the
Destruction of the Second Temple
: Taanit 26b, 28b
In the
Destruction of the First Temple
, Jerusalem was invaded on the 9th of Tammuz: Rosh HaShanah 18b; Taanit 28b
Apostimus [publically] burned the Torah: Taanit 26b, 28b
was set up in the
Inner Room of the Temple
[by the Jews-Gittin 7a]: Taanit 26b, 28b-29a
In the Above case, 2 idols were set up, and one fell on the other and broke off its arm: Taanit 28b-29a
Laws of the 17th of Tammuz
Whether this fast is maintained during times of peace, and times when the Jews have their sovereignty: Rosh HaShanah 18b-19b
Bathing: Megillah 5b
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