Whether the Torah was given in one go, or in a general way at Sinai and then more specifically through the Desert: Chagigah 6a-b
On Shabbat: Shabbat 86b
On the 6th or 7th of Sivan: Shabbat 86b-88a
The time during the day: Shabbat 86b
The Mazal of Converts was at Mt. Sinai: Shabbat 146a
The reaction of the nations of the world to the various commandments, as they were spoken at Sinai: Kiddushin 31a
Mount Tabor and Mount Carmel came to study Torah: Megillah 29a
Torah must be studied with awe and trembling, as at the presentation of the Torah at Sinai: Berachot 22a
Gd overturning the mountain atop the Jews, as a warning: Shabbat 88a
A wind called "Tevoach" blew that day, which would have killed the Jews if they hadn't accepted the Torah: Shabbat 129b
Gd would have destroyed the world if they wouldn't have accepted the Torah at Sinai: Shabbat 88a
The Jews saying "Naaseh VeNishma" [We will do, and we will hear]: Shabbat 88a
At Mt. Sinai, the Jews were purified of the effect that the Serpent had with his intercourse: Shabbat 146a
Comparing the Jews to an apple, for which the fruit precedes the leaves, as they preceded "We will hear" with "We will do": Shabbat 88a
The Divine Voice which asked, "Who revealed the Angels' secret to my Children?" when the Jews said "Naaseh VeNishma [We Will Practice & We Will Hear]": Shabbat 88a
The proclamation of "We Will Practice & We Will Hear" was a major point in the defense of the Jews to Gd in later generations: Gittin 7a
Yitzchak defending the Jews, in the future, pointing to the declaration of "Na'aseh VeNishma" and offering to take the brunt of some of the few sins they commit: Shabbat 89b
The Crowns the Jews received, and then lost: Shabbat 88a
Gd's recitation of the 4th commandment with both the "Zachor [Remember]" and "Shamor [Protect]" versions simultaneously: Rosh HaShanah 27a
The purpose of the Divine Revelation of the Torah was the inculcation of the trait of humility into the Jewish People for all future generations: Nedarim 20a
Gd declared the first two commandments, and Moses presented the rest: Makkot 23b-24a
The Presentation of the Tablets
The Dimensions of the Tablets: Nedarim 38a
The First Set of Tablets were brought down on the 17th of Tammuz: Taanit 26a-b, 28b
Calculating that the date was the 17th of Tammuz: Taanit 28b