Travelling Shepherds who live in temporary settlements with their families "do not have lives," and are like dwellers of graves in their exposure to the elements: Eruvin 55b
The intelligence of children of shepherds: Eruvin 55b [see Rashi Pesachim 49b "Im Kol Beheimah"]
The wives of travelling Shepherds who live in temporary settlements with their families are not theirs, and neither are their children, because the distance and lack of population in the places the women immerse and bathe leaves the situation open to adultery: Eruvin 55b
Saving Money
Maintaining a diet of vegetables, instead of meats: Pesachim 114a
General advice on purchasing foods: Shabbat 140b
Earning a reward for not being miserly: Megillah 28a [2x]
Advice against saving money: Eruvin 54a
The righteous are careful with their funds, lest they squander their money and come to theft: Sotah 12a
One ought to give tzedakah while he still has money, rather than wait until he is in financial trouble: Shabbat 151b
Accepting Gifts
Earning a long life by not accepting gifts: Megillah 28a
A person who comes into money without effort should use some of it for a Mitzvah, such as acquiring a Torah or writing Tefillin, so that he will be able to retain the rest: Eruvin 64a-b
Rain as a punishment for people who pledge tzedakah and don't fulfill their pledges: Taanit 8b
The solution to a punishment of drought is to increase one's prayers, although it would be better to never have sinned in the first place: Taanit 7b, 8a
Approaching a pious person to pray on behalf of the community for rain: Taanit 8a
Gd is angered by those who become arrogant when their prayers for rain are answered: Taanit 8a