Kehunah - Being a Kohen
Lineage of Kehunah
Establishing a Kohen's lineage
Whom a Kohen may marry
Lineage for marrying a Kohen
Punishment for a Kohen marrying someone whom a Kohen may not marry
Challal - A Kohen who marries someone he may not marry
Kohen Gadol - The Head Kohen
Mashuach Milchamah - The Kohen annointed to Lead the army
Sgan Kohen Gadol - The deputy kohen gadol
Adultery involving the daughter of a kohen
The Gifts for the Kohanim
Gifts to the Kohen from Offerings
Tithing produce owned by a kohen
Maaser Rishon
Gifts to the Kohanim [Cherem]
The hide of the korban olah
First-born kosher animals
First-born donkeys
Pidyon HaBen - redemption of the first-born son
Kohanim at work in the Beit haMikdash
Temple Shifts of kohanim
The Initial Flour Offering of a kohen - Minchat Chinuch
The Flour Offerigs brought by kohanim
A Kohen's blemishes which invalidate him for Temple Service
Special clothing of Kohanim - Bigdei Kehunah
Kohanim and Impurity
Kohanim becoming impure
Kohen becoming impure in order to bury relatives
Other Issues
Destroying the hair on the 'corners of the beard' with a razor
Kehunah: Beyond the law
Kohanim and birkat hamazon [the blessing after meals]
The Kohanim and the machatzit hashekel [the annual half-shekel donation]
Donating a korban todah [thanks offering]
The loss of sanctified fields to filial owners in Yovel [the Jubilee Year], if the kohanim don't redeem the fields
The one year in which an owner can renege on sale of a house in a walled city
Buying back the sale of family fields
Kohanim and the Sa'ir la'Azazel [Scapegoat of Yom Kippur]
Inclusion of kohanim in the biblical word Levi
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