Maaser Rishon
Terumat Maaser - The Tithe taken from Terumah
If the Maaser Tithe was Removed Before Terumah
Which Produce is Obligated in Terumah and other Tithes
Cases of Doubt
Assuming the Tithe was separated from a
Trusted Person
's produce: Pesachim 4b, 9a
Assuming that an unlearned person would take the tithe himself from a cheap item: Pesachim 42b
Tithe Separation
Requiring that one's intent and
be identical: Pesachim 63a
Separating on Produce from one year, for produce of a different year: Rosh HaShanah 12a-b
What happens if a person separates too much: Eruvin 50a
What happens if a person says "Half of each of these kernels is the tithe": Eruvin 50a
Approximating the percentage: Beitzah 13b
Who Eats It
Levites, vs. Levites and Kohanim, vs. Regular Jews: Ketuvot 26a
Ezra's fine against the Levites,
removing their exclusive rights to the tithe
: Ketuvot 26a
Heavenly Court
agreed with Ezra's enactment: Makkot 23b
Eating it while it is Impure: Pesachim 24a
Eating it as
on Pesach: Pesachim 35a
Beyond the Laws
for care in Tithing: Shabbat 119a
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