How to interpret a vow, where the standard meaning of a word is X, but the individual insists that he intended Y, and Y is plausible: Nedarim 20a
Whether one can speak with a secret intent, where the party with whom he is dealing has a different [stated] expectation: Nedarim 25a, 28a
Do we assume that a vow is meant as a monolithic statement, or is it possible that one actually wishes to cause different results for different entities covered by the vow: Temurah 31b
A condition is not a true condition if one could not assign it to a proxy to fulfill: Ketuvot 74a
Determining the Intent of Human Speech
The fact that we determine intent based upon standard speech: Rosh HaShanah 12b; Nedarim 30b
A person would not make a statement knowing that it is legally ineffective; he would mean the effective interpretation: Pesachim 53b; Temurah 27b
Using the standard intent of a phrase, based on the location in which one is situated: Kiddushin 6a
The Statement "Just give it"/"Just give it to me to drink"/"Just throw it," once or twice, [without agreeing to a requested condition] in a transaction: Kiddushin 8b-9a
Use of the phrase, "Like the [number of] departees from Egypt": Nedarim 24b-25a
"Or [Light]" includes Starlight: Pesachim 2a
"Yayin/Tirosh [Wines]": Yoma 76b
"Tachat [beneath]": Temurah 26b-27a
"Terumah [Tithe]": Nedarim 18b, 19a-b, 19b
"Cherem [Ban/Sanctified Items]": Nedarim 18b, 19b
"Year": Rosh HaShanah 12b
"The time of the rains": Taanit 6b
Standard amount of iron and copper intended [in a vow for Sanctification]: Shabbat 90a
Which grain products are subsumed under [a vow from] general grain products: Moed Katan 13b
"Those who go to sea / stay on land": Nedarim 30a-b
"Those who see the Sun": Nedarim 30b
"The Black of Head": Nedarim 30b
"Those who are born / Those who have been born": Nedarim 30b
"Those who keep Shabbat": Nedarim 31a
"Those who eat garlic [on Friday night]": Nedarim 31a
"I will not plow this field," where others usually plow for him: Nedarim 43a
Considering passage of 30 days to be the equivalent of a full year: Makkot 3b
What is included in the term, "food": Eruvin 26b, 30a
Establishing Intent based upon Standard Human Speech
Whether we interpret leniently or stringently where a vow's details were not explicitly stated: Nedarim 18b
Whether we interpret leniently or stringently where some of a vow's details were explicitly stated: Nedarim 18b
The validity of an altered form of speech [Kinuy] which doesn't explicitly state the vow/oath: Nedarim 2a
Types of "Kinuy": Nedarim 3a, 10a-b, 22b [biMohi]
Differing in the interpretation of a Scholar's vow from that of a vow by a layperson, because certain problems are not likely to occur: Nedarim 20a
Whether the altered, non-explicit form [Kinuy] of a vow/oath is a form established by the Sages, or simply a colloquialism: Nedarim 3a, 10a-b
Why the Sages would have established the "Kinuy" form: Nedarim 10a-b
Validity of an altered form of the altered form [Kinuyyei Kinuyyin], and examples: Nedarim 10b
Validity of a vow which doesn't include the act which is forbidden, only the item [Yad]: Nedarim 2a, 3a-b, 4b-5b
Whether we may use context to determine the intent of vague statements [Yadayim She'Aynan Mochichos]: Nedarim 5b-6a; Kiddushin 5b
Whether the term "Al Menat [on condition]" means that the deal will go through at the time of fulfillment of the condition, or whether the deal's fulfillment will be retroactive to the time of the initial statement: Kiddushin 8a
Use of the prefix "Not," "For," or "This" before vowing to bring an offering if one uses an item, or before declaring an oath: Nedarim 11b; 16a
Differentiating between general vows, and dedication of specific items, in the above two lines [See Ran to understand how this fits into Naziritic Vows]: Nedarim 9a, 9b-10a
How to understand a vow which compares a given item with a category of items which are at times permitted and at times prohibited: Nedarim 12a-13a
Determining Intent based on Sentence Structure
Whether the Individual's intent is indicated/valid in the beginning or end of his speech: Pesachim 59b-60a, 63a; Nedarim 26a