The obligation begins when the Terumah is brought in, and so the sheaves in the field are free from Terumah obligations: Pesachim 35b
Separation from produce which grew in an un-holed pot, on produce which grew in the ground: Menachot 70a
Separation performed verbally is equal in seriousness to that done by placing it in a Temple Vessel: Pesachim 34b
Separation from one type of produce for another type of produce: Temurah 5a
Terumah separated on someone else's property, without their knowledge: Shabbat 153b; Nedarim 36b; Bava Metzia 22a; Zevachim 6a
Terumah separated by a Proxy, where the owner didn't tell him what percentage or what type of produce to use: Kiddushin 41a-b; Bava Metzia 22a
Above, where the owner says "You should have taken finer produce" and there is [not] finer produce, or the owner separates more himself: Bava Metzia 22a
Who can claim tovat hanaah [the money which a kohen will pay for receipt of the tithe], if the tithe was separated by a person besides the owner: Nedarim 36b; Zevachim 6a
Separation from certain produce for itself and for produce which is in a distant area [Shelo Min haMukaf]: Eruvin 30b, 32a-b; Bava Metzia 38a
Terumah separated by a cheresh: Shabbat 153a-b; Megillah 19b-20a
Terumah separated by a nochri: Shabbat 153b; Gittin 23b
Separating tithes from a barrel of liquid mentally, and then retroactively [Bereirah] pouring off some as the actual separation: Eruvin 36b-37a; Yoma 55b-56b; Succah 23b-24a; Bava Metzia 11a-b
What happens if someone separates Terumah, and then separates more produce and labels it "Terumah": Temurah 12a, 13a
Illegal Separations
The Separation must be of something from which the remainder is permitted for use: Pesachim 33b
Separating on Produce from one year, for produce of a different year: Rosh HaShanah 12a-b
What happens to previous separations, if during a later separation the produce is found to be rotten: Niddah 2b, 3b
Using Leaven for Terumah on Pesach: Pesachim 32a, 33a-b
Terumah which became Leaven before or after Separation: Pesachim 33a
Separating Death-Impure Produce for Terumah from Pure Produce: Pesachim 33a
Separating produce which is exempt from tithing, for produce which is required in tithing: Nedarim 44b
Using produce which was separate from the ground but was then replanted, and is currently in the ground: Menachot 70a
Terumah becomes invalid if it isn't guarded: Pesachim 34a-b
Growths of Terumah, and their descendants, where the inital seed does [not] survive: Pesachim 34a-b
Whether the Above disqualification is automatic, or only an expectation that the Terumah has become Death-Impure: Pesachim 34a-b
Whether the designation of Growths as Terumah is because of a Rabbinic decree on Sanctified Items to disallow this sort of Annulment in a Blend: Pesachim 34b
Terumah which is planted, and hence left unguarded: Pesachim 34a-b
Presentation to the Kohen
Giving it to a eved without his Master present: Ketuvot 28b
Assuming a person is a Kohen if he is given Terumah: Ketuvot 28b
Giving it to a Kohen on condition of its return: Kiddushin 6b
Whether a person who separates Terumah on behalf of someone else is also entitled to choose who should receive the Terumah [Tovat Hanaah]: Temurah 2b-3a; 10a