A Ger Toshav - a nochri who accepts the seven universal laws
Geirut - Conversion to Judaism
The prohibition for all human beings against eating flesh taken from living animals
Offerings and sacred tithes dedicated by nochrim
Nochrim and the rules of tithing Israeli produce
Burial of Jews by nochrim
Property a nochri sets aside for idolatry
Cooking utensils of nochrim
Laws of lineage, adultery, incest for nochrim
Rules of purity and impurity for nochrim
First-born kosher animals [bechor] owned by or with nochrim
First-born donkeys [peter chamor] owned by or with nochrim
Defrauding and damaging nochrim
Testimony by a nochri
Writing a Torah Scroll
Writing Phylacteries
Writing a Doorpost Scroll
Writing a bill of divorce
Delivering a bill of divorce
Nochrim and Shabbat
Selling animals to nochrim who might then use them on Shabbat
Merging adjacent yards, vis-a-vis transport between the yards on Shabbat, if one of the yards' houses is owned by a nochri
Chametz [leaven] owned by a Nochri during Pesach
Using grain owned or cut by a Nochri for the Korban Omer
Nochrim representing Jews as shlichim in ritual activities
Nochrim representing Jews as shlichim in civil matters
Business partnership with a nochri
Tzniut and nochrim
As Witnesses on a bill of divorce
A nochri owning an eved ivri
Financial interest on loans/investments and nochrim
Secular courts
Theft by a nochri
Onaat Mammon and nochrim
Specific nochrim appearing in the Talmud
Involvement of Jews in nochri society
Using the oil of anointing for a nochri
Nochrim and Sabbatical Year produce
Performing circumcision
Idols sculpted by Nochrim
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