Offerings and Tithes of a Nochri
General rule as to which korbanot a nochri can bring: Zevachim 45a, Rashi ibid "ovdei kochavim"
Their First-Born Kosher Animals
Their First-Born Donkeys
Flour Offering of a Nochri
An offering of pure libations
Process of Sanctification
Services Performed with their Offerings
Leaning on their Offering - Semichah
Libations with their Offering
Substitution of another animal in place of an offering of theirs
What happens if their offering has a blemish
What happens if someone derives personal benefit from a Temple offering of theirs
What happens if someone derives personal benefit from an item a nochri dedicated for Temple Upkeep [bedek habayit]
What happens if someone derives personal benefit from an item that has its value consecrated by a nochri [kedushat damim]
What happens if their offering is left over after its time
What happens if their offering is brought with improper intent
What happens if their offering becomes impure
What happens if their offering is brought outside the Beit haMikdash
Terumah and other Tithes involving a Nochri's Produce
An act of Separating Tithes, performed by a Nochri
Dough-Tithe of a Nochri
The Tithe of Animals
Specific offerings by nochrim
The story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, Bar Kamtza's
, the
silence of the sages
, Bar Kamtza's
lashon hara
, the Romans' Temple offering and its
, and the
Roman destruction of the second Temple
: Gittin 55b-56a
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