Challah - Dough Separated before Baking
In this document, "Challah" refers to dough which is separated before baking, and which is given to a Kohen if it is pure.
Specific Grains Required in tithing Challah
List of grains subject to the laws for tithing Challah: Menachot 70a-b
Rice and Millet: Pesachim 50b-51a
Dough of grain from outside of Israel: Beitzah 9a
When the Obligation first began: Ketuvot 25a; Kiddushin 37b-38a
The obligation today, in Israel: Ketuvot 25a
Requiring a majority presence in Israel in order to be biblically obligated in this tithe: Ketuvot 25a
Minimal quantity of dough necessary to mandate separating Challah: Shabbat 76b; Eruvin 83a-b; Pesachim 48a-b; Menachot 67b
How much of the dough one removes: Eruvin 81a
How much of the dough a baker removes: Eruvin 81a
Combining inedible parts of grain to make the amount: Shabbat 76b
Combination of rolls in an oven, to reach the minimum amount requiring Challah: Pesachim 48b
Combination of rolls by a vessel to reach the Minimal Amount: Pesachim 48b
Above, where the vessel is a flat tablet without walls: Pesachim 48b
Above, where the rolls were originally together or separate: Pesachim 48b
Designation of Challah as "Challah" is what gives it status: Pesachim 46a
Repealing designation of bread as Challah: Pesachim 46b
Tithing from non-obligated grain for obligated grain: Pesachim 51a
Issues of the Dough
Dough must be your own: Pesachim 38a
Dough rolled while it was Holy property, and then redeemed: Menachot 67a
Combining all of the dough which is together in a basket, to reach the amount which is required in Challah: Niddah 8a
Dough which is from The Secondary Tithe: Pesachim 37b-38a; Succah 35a-b
Dough owned by a Nochri at the time of rolling: Menachot 67a
Dough which is jointly owned with a Nochri: Pesachim 6a
Dough which is to be taken as part of the King's tithe: Pesachim 6a
Dough which is from a Blend of Forbidden and Permitted Produce: Pesachim 37a
What to do if the dough becomes impure before separation of Challah: Niddah 6b-7a
Is there an obligation to separate the challah tithe from dough made from Sabbatical produce?: Bechorot 12b
Defining "Bread"
Dough baked in a pot [Ilfas]: Pesachim 37a-b
Dough placed in the pot before firing up the pot: Pesachim 37a
Dough baked in a pot, then in an oven: Pesachim 37b
Dough placed in the pot and fired from the outside: Pesachim 37b
Dough placed in the pot and the fire is opposite the dough: Pesachim 37b
"Sufganim" [Cakes? Doughnuts?]: Pesachim 37a
"Duvshanim" [honey-fried]: Pesachim 37a
Iskiritim [Crackers]: Pesachim 37a
"Challat Misaras" [from a pan]: Pesachim 37a
"Mi'eesah" [flour baked on boiling water]: Pesachim 37b
"Chalitah" [boiling water poured on flour]: Pesachim 37b
Dough baked in the Sun: Pesachim 37a-b
Challah and Death-ImpurityOther Issues