"Hochayach Tochiach" - Mitzvah of Rebuke
The Mitzvah
Whether the Mitzvah is to rebuke as often as necessary: Bava Metzia 31a
Lack of Rebuke caused the
Destruction of Jerusalem
: Shabbat 119b
Challenging the wicked when they are [not] doing well: Berachot 7b; Megillah 6b
Challenging the wicked on legal or secular issues: Berachot 7b; Megillah 6b
Whether a student must rebuke his Rebbe: Bava Metzia 31a
On the result of not having rebuked when one would have been listened to: Succah 29b
Not rebuking someone, in order to
save one's life
: Nedarim 22a
The punishment for distancing someone from Gd: Nedarim 32a
Dealing with a Wicked Person
Looking at a wicked person: Megillah 28a
Bowing to a wolf, when he is at the height of his power: Megillah 16b
Hating a wicked person: Pesachim 113b
Telling the wicked person's Rebbe of his sin: Pesachim 113b
Hating one who calls someone "Wicked": Kiddushin 28a
Battling a wicked person who is hurting you: Gittin 7a
Cheating one who attempts to cheat you: Megillah 13b
Feeding [bread to] a wicked person: Megillah 15b
Joy at the fall of an enemy: Megillah 16a; Nedarim 40a
Stories of rebuke, and failure to rebuke
The story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, Bar Kamtza's
, the silence of the sages, Bar Kamtza's
lashon hara
, the
Romans' Temple offering
and its
, and the
Roman destruction of the second Temple
: Gittin 55b-56a
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