Whether the flour and the libations can be brought individually: Menachot 44b
Which element is supposed to be brought first: Menachot 44b
Bringing the elements of this offering at night: Menachot 44b, 52a; Temurah 14a
Leaving the offering on the altar through the night: Temurah 14a
Bringing the elements of this offering on separate days: Menachot 44b, 52a
Bringing libations donated by a nochri, without an offering: Zevachim 45a; Temurah 2b, 3a
Is pigul intent while bringing an offering of libations significant, given that the libations are not rendered permissible for use by service involving some other [matir] item; their own service permits their own use: Zevachim 42b-43b, 44a