Kedushat Damim - Items that have their value consecrated to the Beit haMikdash
Whether an animal which has had its value dedicated to the Temple before birth still gains the status of a first-born Kosher animal, or not: Temurah 10b
Whether Sanctification of an offering-eligible creature for its value leads automatically to its sanctification as an actual offering, or just to dedication of its value: Temurah 11b
Whether Sanctification of part of an offering-eligible creature for its value leads automatically to its sanctification as an actual offering, or just to dedication of its value: Temurah 11b
Application of "Dichuy" to an animal which has been sanctified only for its value, and not as an offering: Pesachim 98a; Kiddushin 7b; Temurah 26a-b; Keritot 27a
Whether stating, regarding a blemished animal, "This is an offering," or "This is for an offering", gives it kedushat damim: Bechorot 14a; Temurah 27b
Sanctification of Growth of Sanctified Property after it was chopped back, where the chopping back is standard for that plant: Pesachim 55b, 56a-b
Working with an animal which has had its value dedicated for the Temple: Bechorot 14a; Temurah 10b
Shearing an animal which has had its value dedicated for the Temple: Bechorot 14a; Temurah 10b
What happens if an owner dedicates a ram for kedushat damim: Bechorot 14b