Permanent disqualification of an item because of its temporary disqualification - Dichuy
Please note that within this document, "Dichuy" refers to the permanent disqualification described in the title.
General Rules
Differentiating between "Dichuy" which will result in a lenient, or stringent, ruling: Succah 33a
"Dichuy" of an item before it became eligible for its mitzvah, or of a korban before it was dedicated ["Mei'ikara"]: Succah 33b[2x]; Pesachim 98a; Kiddushin 7a-b; Zevachim 12a-b; Temurah 26a-b; Keritot 27b-28a
Whether "Dichuy" can erase eligibility of an item which had been fit at one point, and which then returned to eligibility later: Succah 33b; Zevachim 12a, 34b; Keritot 27b-28a
Whether "Dichuy" applies if during the period of temporary ineligibility one was capable of correcting the disqualification at will: Zevachim 34b
"Dichuy" of korbanot
Whether "Dichuy" can affect a living thing: Pesachim 98a; Kiddushin 7a-b; Zevachim 12a-b; Temurah 22a-b, 23a-b, 24a, 26a-b; Keritot 27a, 27b-28a
Whether "Dichuy" can affect an animal which was only made holy for its value, to prevent its use as a korban: Pesachim 98a; Kiddushin 7a-b; Temurah 26a-b; Keritot 27a, 27b-28a
Whether "Dichuy" can affect funds dedicated for the purpose of bringing a korban: Zevachim 12-ab
What happens if one dedicates as a korban his half of a jointly-owned animal, and then he purchases the other half and dedicates it as well: Kiddushin 7a; Zevachim 12a; Temurah 26a-b; Keritot 27a
Dichuy for an offering which was lost, and was found after a new one was set aside: Yoma 65a; Temurah 22a-b
Use of a second goat of the pair [scapegoat and Sa'ir LaShem] for Yom Kippur, where the first one died: Yoma 64a; Zevachim 34b; Temurah 6b, 22a-b
Use of the Scapegoat, if the blood of the parallel goat offering was spilled: Yoma 64b; Zevachim 34b
Dichuy where one dedicated an animal which was inappropriate for his level of wealth, on the sliding scale of sin offerings: Keritot 27b-28a
Dichuy where one purchased a female animal for his korban pesach: Temurah 19a [2x], 19b-20a; Keritot 28a
Dichuy where one dedicated a korban chatat and then abandoned Judaism, before returning: Zevachim 12b; Keritot 7a
Dichuy where one dedicated a korban chatat and then became irrational before becoming lucid again: Zevachim 12b
Dichuy where one dedicated a korban chatat and then the court ruled [incorrectly] that his action had not been a sin, and then they changed their ruling: Zevachim 12b
Dichuy where one dedicated a female animal for his korban pesach, and then it gave birth to a male animal before Pesach: Temurah 19a [2x]; Keritot 28a
Requirement that a korban be sanctified only at a time when it could actually be used; otherwise, it would be subject to dichuy: Zevachim 12a
What happens if a disqualified kohen sprinkled the blood on the wrong place - do we apply dichuy: Zevachim 26b
What is the status of korban blood which was caught in multiple cups, after blood from one of them is sprinkled; do we employ the principle of dichuy: Zevachim 34b
Dichuy of blood which was caught in such a way that it was eligible for korban use, and then was temporarily held in a disqualified state before it was returned to its eligible state: Zevachim 34b
The fact that the kohen takes a cup of blood from the floor of the Beit haMikdash at the end of the korban pesach service and puts it on the mizbeiach demonstrates that dichuy does not apply where one had the ability, all along, to reverse the temporary disqualification: Zevachim 34b
An animal born to a blemished korban which conceived after the blemish and gave birth after redemption: Bechorot 15b
"Dichuy" in non-korban issues