Time for Slaughtering and Bringing of the Afternoon Daily Offering: Pesachim 58a
Above, if the Eve of Pesach falls out on Shabbat: Pesachim 58a
Above, if the Eve of Pesach falls out on the Eve of Shabbat: Pesachim 58a
Bringing the olah of a metzora or zav after the afternoon daily korban, to allow them to eat from the korban pesach that night: Pesachim 59a
Bringing the chatat of a metzora or zav after the afternoon daily korban, to allow them to eat from the korban pesach that night, depending on whether this chatat is a bird or not: Pesachim 59a
If one had Leaven in his possession during the Slaughtering of the Afternoon Daily Offering: Pesachim 63a
There was one year, labelled "Pesach Miuchin [Pesach of the Crushed Ones]" when an old man was crushed in the group bringing their Offerings Pesach: Pesachim 64b
Method of removing the hide of the Korban Pesach: Shabbat 116b, Pesachim 64a-b
Removing the hide on Shabbat: Shabbat 116b, 123b-124a, 133b; Pesachim 64b, Menachos 63b-64a
Burning of certain sections on the Altar: Pesachim 64b [2x]; Zevachim 37a
Burning of the tail-fat, if it is a lamb: Pesachim 96b, 97a; Zevachim 9a
Where the groups waited, until sunset, if the Eve of Pesach was on Shabbat: Pesachim 64b
At the end of the Temple Service, a cup of blood was collected from the floor of the azarah and poured on the base of the mizbeiach; we assume that is blood which was properly caught, but spilled from its original cup due to the haste of the service: Pesachim 65a-b; Zevachim 34b-35a
They stopped up the drains of the azarah to keep the blood from exiting; the fact that kohanim would serve in that condition demonstrated their dedicated nature: Pesachim 65b; Zevachim 35a
The kohanim stepping on platforms to avoid stepping in the blood during the service: Pesachim 65b; Zevachim 35a
The illegal possession of Leaven during Slaughtering refers to the Leaven of the Slaughterer, the Sprinkler of the Blood, or any of the members of the Offering: Pesachim 63a-b
Whether the Leaven must be in the Temple's External Room or not: Pesachim 63b