Shelamim of the Eve of Pesach - Chagigat Yud-Daled
Order of Service on the Eve of Pesach
The Holiday Offering - The Korban Chagigah
This korban isn't a biblical requirement: Chagigah 7b-8a
The korban may come from
maaser sheni funds
as well as ordinary funds: Chagigah 7b-8a
The blessing on this korban: Pesachim 121a; Zevachim 37a
If one made the blessing of the
korban pesach
on the korban chagigah, or vice versa: Pesachim 121a; Zevachim 37a
Bringing this offering on Pesach, itself: Temurah 14b
Selling a portion of the offering to someone: Temurah 30b
Korban chagigah requires
semichah - leaning on the animal by the bringer of the korban
: Pesachim 96b, 97a; Zevachim 9a
Korban chagigah requires
: Pesachim 96b, 97a; Zevachim 9a
The chest and thigh-bone are
: Pesachim 96b, 97a; Zevachim 9a
How long one may eat the meat from this korban: Zevachim 36a
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