Which types of korbanot are brought even in impurity: Yoma 50a; Temurah 14a
Bringing the korban pesach and pesach sheni in impurity: Pesachim 95b, Yoma 51a
Impurity of the Community - Tumah Hutrah b'Tzibbur or Tumah Dechuyah b'Tzibbur
Impurity does not disqualify a communal offering: Pesachim 16b, 62b; Zevachim 22b, 32b-33a
Which types of communal impurity are overridden for a communal offering: Zevachim 22b, 32b-33a
Is communal impurity a non-factor [hutrah], or is it only temporarily overridden, but still a legal factor [dechuyah]: Zevachim 32b-33a
How we calculate "Community," for the rule that impurity is ignored if the "Community" Contracts death-impurity: Pesachim 94b
What happens if people are impure from contact with the dead, such that their impurity should be overridden, but they are also impure as zavim: Zevachim 32b-33a
For a zav/zavah, niddah or yoledet to eat from an offering, such as a Pesach offering, which was brought in a state of communal Death-Impurity: Pesachim 95b; Keritot 10a
For a zav/zavah, metzora, niddah or yoledet to enter the Outer Room of the Temple when a Pesach Offering is being brought on behalf of the Death-Impure Community: Pesachim 95b
For a Person with Death-Impurity to enter the Inner Room of the Temple while bringing an offering in Communal Impurity: Pesachim 95b